Peace/No War | Rainforest Information Centre

International Women's Day
Lismore, March 8, 2006

Women Say No To War
Yes To Peace
Sign the Call for Peace Now
hear KPFA IWD interview inc. Ruth Rosenhek on Lismore events

We were 100 women. We started with a peace prayer in Spinks Park in Lismore. From there we walked, danced to Federal Minister of Page, Ian Causley's office and delivered the letter below. While some of us met with Mister Causley's other's danced and sang in the outer office room. Afterwards, we chanted and hoop-la'ed outside the office with young girls leading the way. "Peace, Love and Harmony!"

March 8, 2006

CodePink New South Wales
PO Box 368
Lismore, NSW 2480

To the Honourable Ian Causley MP,

Today, 8 March 2006, in honour of International Women's Day, we appeal to you as the Federal Member of Page to hear us and take our message to heart.

We are part of a global women's movement called Codepink, Women for Peace and today we are standing both here in your office and outside to say No to war.

Since the invasion of Iraq by the U.S.-led coalition forces supported by Australia, tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians, including women and children, have lost their lives.

Australians have already footed a $1.2 billion bill on a war that has not made a single one of us any safer.

Today, we are hand delivering to you our Call For Peace.   As it says,

"This is not the world we want for ourselves or our children. With fire in our bellies and love in our hearts, we women are rising up - across borders - to unite and demand an end to the bloodshed and the destruction."

We have seen how the foreign occupation of Iraq has fueled an armed movement against it, perpetuating an endless cycle of violence.

We call upon the Government of Australia to withdraw our troops from Iraq now.

In Peace

CodePink New South Wales


Sign the Call for Peace Now