Forwarded on behalf of Youth and Students Coalition against War
**Please contact your local Tafe or Higher Education Institution for Information on where demonstrations will be taking place**
Books not Bombs! Stop the War Against Iraq!
When the government is preparing to wage a bloody war on the people of Iraq, which will result in the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi people;
When Australian corporate war-profiteers like Qantas, BHP, and Dunlop are set to make record profits from this slaughter;
When the government prioritises military spending and a $15 million advertising campaign promoting anti-terrorist hysteria while launching another savage attack on higher education funding;
We know something has to change.
All over the world young people are taking action against the war on Iraq. Youth were a large part of the 1 million people in Florence last November, the millions across Italy and the hundreds of thousands across the US on the anniversary of the first Gulf War and the weekend of the Martin Luther King holiday. Half a million people converged on Washington - a truly amazing statement of political resolve to stop this unjust war.
Students in the US are organising on a massive scale. On the eve of these demos, two conferences set up a nationwide anti-war student network which already represents more than 80 different schools and campuses.
Now, US students have called a strike for March 5. The National Youth and Student Peace Coalition which involves more than 20 large nation-wide youth organisations including the United Students Against Sweatshops, the Movement for Democracy and Education, Black Radical Congress and the Muslim Students Association of the US and Canada has issued the call (
We are urging students and young people across Australia to join in solidarity with the US students, and protest here on March 5.
We fear that our futures will be shaped by todays actions of people with whom we have little or nothing in common. Bush, Howard and Blairs interests are not ours. This is a war about corporate greed, not about fighting terrorism. And Bushs agenda of a war without end means we have to respond - and quickly. In Australia, as in the US and across Europe, young people can play a key role in mobilising opinion. We can be the conscience of the nation, as weve done before campaigning against another unjust war in Vietnam some decades ago.
As one of the USs staunchest allies, the Howard government helps legitimise and shore up Washingtons war drive. As the PM sends more troops to the Gulf, he doesntt dare ask the Australian people about whether we support another war on Iraq. Why? Because he knows the answer - the majority of Australians dont support war on Iraq! By taking action in our tens of thousands, and eventually in our hundreds of thousands, we can force the Howard government to end its support for this unjust war. And if it doesntt listen, we will make sure it pays the biggest possible political price. The movement to stop the Vietnam war demonstrated that there is power in numbers. When we stand up and take action together, at our universities, high schools, TAFEs, workplaces and in the streets, we can make a difference.
Join the March 5 strike! Declare your high schools and campuses opposition to war! Funding for education not war! Bring the troops home! No war on Iraq! No Australian involvement!
Initiated by: Youth and
Students Coalition Against War
Endorsees: Dr. Carmen Lawrence, Federal MP; Melbourne Uni Anti War collective;
Dave Bell, State secretary NSW Greens; Griffith Uni SRC Nathan campus; David
Lafferty, Co-WelfareOfficer, Griffith Uni Nathan campus; John Eaton, President,
University of Wollongong United Nations Society; Simon Cunich, Illawarra High
school Social Action Network;
Kylie Moon, National coordinator, Resistance; Rihab Charida, Palestinian Human
Rights Organisation;
Vanessa Bowden, President, Newcastle Uni Students Association; Pip Hinman, Coordinator,
Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific; Karol Florek, Fortians for Refugees;
Peter Robson, Education Officer, Newcastle Uni Students Association; Sophie
Williams, General Representative, Wollongong Uni SRC.