Ross Gelbspan's speech at
MIT at a conference of:
Mass. Climate Action Network (MCAN) Nov. 19. 2006
Straddling Solutions and Survivalism
Those of you that have heard me talk before will be relieved to know I'm not
going to go through a catalogue of new impacts or weather events like the 1-in-200-year
rainstorm this spring that left $100 million in damages in three mid-Atlantic
states. Or the startling jump in polar bear mortality the USGS reported the
other day.
Instead I'd like to use some of this afternoon's talk to remind you why even
the most climate-conscious officials feel frustrated by the lack of public support
for significant emissions reductions -- I want you to know what you're up against
-- and also what I see as the most promising strategic approach for local activists.
And, along the way, I'll throw in a pitch for a set of macro-level, global-scale
solutions which, if nature would allow us time to implement them, could achieve
the 75 percent reduction in carbon emissions and, at the same time, provide
the basis for a much wealthier, more stable and more secure world.
But I'd like to start with a couple of anecdotes that illustrate how profoundly
out of step with the rest of the world we are.
Last summer, right after Katrina hit the Gulf coast, I published an op-ed article
in the Boston Globe titled, "Katrina's Real Name." The piece linked
global warming to higher sea surface temperatures which, of course, fuel more
intense hurricanes. And it put Katrina in the context of lots of other extreme
weather events which constitute a hallmark of early-stage global warming.
The piece proved to be somewhat controversial. I got a bit of flak for it --
and ended up doing something like 40 radio interviews in the following two weeks.
About two months later, there came to Boston a group of German news editors
-- from high profile publications like Der Spiegel, Stern and German Public
Radio. The editors invited me to meet with them to discuss journalistic issues
involved in covering the climate issue. And before the meeting, the organizer
of the tour gave the editors copies of the Katrina op-ed. About half way through
our conversation, two of these editors spontaneously held up copies of the op-ed
and one said: "Mr. Gelbspan, no disrespect intended, but we have no idea
why you published this article. There's absolutely nothing new here. Why did
you waste the newsprint to tell us what we already know?" It was like,
"Welcome to our world."
Similarly, when I was invited to speak at Oxford University in September, I
prepared an overview of the climate crisis. But before I gave the talk, my hosts
made it clear most, if not all, of the audience knew at least as much as I do
about the situation. What they really wanted to know was why the American public
-- and the Bush Administration in particular -- are so blind to the urgency
of the climate crisis.
What shocked both the German and British audiences is the extent to which industry
money dominates our national political process and the degree to which it has
distorted news coverage -- at least in the climate area. Such a profound contamination
of our political process by industry money apparently is not a part of their
own civic experience -- at least not when it involves issues of truly monumental
That is evident from the fact that Holland, the U.K., Germany and France have
vowed to cut their emissions from 50 to 80 percent over the next 45 years --
in keeping with the dictates of the science.
So I think one take-home message here for those of you who are working with
local officials is that If significant change is going to happen at all, it's
going to have to percolate from up from the grassroots into the national consciousness.
This puts a difficult -- and an unfair -- burden on your shoulders. But it also
puts those of you working at the local level in a particularly strategic position.
For one thing, most of you will not have operatives from the carbon lobby putting
their fingers in your eyes. While big coal and big oil and have paralyzed action
at the national level, they just don't have enough foot soldiers to stifle action
in localities around the country.
Moreover, it's easier to get access to smaller local media outlets. And if you
explain to local reporters the bigger picture about why you're working to make
your city or town Kyoto-compliant, that is a great way to link what you're doing
locally to what's going on around the world.
For example: we all know that climate change hits poor countries hardest. So
as you succeed in reducing carbon emissions in Watertown, you are also helping
lessen the impacts on people halfway around the world whose crops are destroyed
by weather extremes, whose homelands are going under from rising sea levels
and whose borders are becoming overrun by environmental refugees.
But I very much want you to understand that whatever kind of reductions you
can make in your own town's carbon footprint are less important for emissions
avoided than they are for the political awareness they can create. It's not
enough to reduce emissions. You need to let people know -- loudly and clearly
-- why you're doing it.
As promised, I won't rehearse all the climate impacts and scientific findings
that are surfacing almost on a weekly basis in the literature. But I would like
to frame this talk with a couple of large-gauge observations about global climate
The first is its speed. We have all been absolutely blindsided by global warming.
Global warming didn't even surface as an issue in the public arena until 1988.
That was the year the UN first began to put in place the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change. That same year, 1988, was the year that NASA Scientist Jim
Hansen went before Congress to testify that "global warming is at hand."
Today, a mere 18 years later, scientists are telling us that we are approaching
-- or are already at -- a point of no return in terms of staving off climate
chaos. That is an incredibly short period of time -- the blink of an eye historically
speaking -- for such enormous changes in these massive planetary systems. As
Harvard's Dr. Paul Epstein said, "We are seeing impacts now that we didn't
expect to see until 2085."
The second point -- which presents one of the most difficult aspects of the
challenge -- has to do with lagtimes and feedbacks. Carbon dioxide stays up
the atmosphere for about 100 years. So many of the impacts we are already seeing
are probably the result of emissions we put up in the 1970s and 1980s -- just
as China and India were beginning to accelerate their surge of coal-fired industrialization.
This makes it virtually inevitable that we will see many more events of the
magnitude of Katrina and the European heat wave of 2003.
The issue is further compounded, as you know, by the existence of feedbacks
in which small changes in certain planetary systems trigger much larger changes
in other systems. For example, the tundra in Siberia and Canada for thousands
of years has absorbed methane and carbon dioxide, locking them into the frozen
terrain. Now, however, those areas are beginning to thaw and release those gases
back into the atmosphere -- which could well trigger a new spike of heating.
The final point involves the extreme sensitivity of earth's systems to just
a tiny bit of warming. As you all know, the glaciers are melting, the deep oceans
are heating, violent weather is increasing, the timing of the seasons is changing
and all over the world plants, birds, insects, fish and animals are migrating
toward the poles in search of stable temperatures. And all that has resulted
from one degree of warming. And for context we are looking forward to a century
of 4 to 10 degrees more heat.
What we need is a rapid worldwide switch to non-carbon energy -- wind, solar,
tidal and wave power, biofuels and, ultimately, hydrogen fuels. And we need
it yesterday.
That does not mean we will all have to sit in the dark and ride bicycles. Those
sources can give us all the energy we need even as they would make the human
enterprise far more compatible with the requirements of a stable species home.
The fossil fuel lobby knows this perhaps better than anyone else. And its response
has been to protect the industry at the expense of the rest of us in general
-- and, more specifically, at the expense of the lifeblood of any democratic
system which is honest information.
For more than a decade, the fossil fuel lobby has mounted an extremely effective
campaign of deception and disinformation, almost exclusively in the U.S., to
persuade the public and policy-makers that the issue of atmospheric warming
is still stuck in the limbo of scientific uncertainty. That campaign for the
longest time targeted the science. And in so doing, it marginalized the findings
of more than 2,000 scientists from 100 countries reporting to the U.N. in what
is the largest and most rigorously peer-reviewed scientific collaboration in
history. It then misrepresented the economics of an energy transition. And most
recently, with its champion in the White House, it has attempted to demolish
the diplomatic foundations of the climate convention. And it has been extremely
successful in maintaining a relentless drumbeat of doubt in the public mind.
From the perspective of an investigative reporter, the central drama underlying
this issue is crystal clear. It pits the ability of this planet to sustain civilization
versus the survival of one of the largest commercial enterprises in human history.
The oil and coal industries together generate more than a trillion dollars a
year in revenues. In this battle, their resources are virtually without limit.
A few recent examples.
In the mid-1990s, the coal industry launched a disinformation offensive using
a few greenhouse skeptics -- three of whom received about a million dollars
in industry money under the table in a three-year period which was never publicly
disclosed until we published it. The campaign featured a $250,000 video designed
to persuade us that global warming is good for us. That was in the mid-1990s.
What you need to understand is that these people are extremely persistent.
We obtained a new memo this July from a group of coal companies about the launch
of yet another covert disinformation campaign -- producing a major movie to
counter Al Gore's film, increasing the carbon industry's support for Sen. James
Inhofe, from Oklahoma, who calls global warming "the greatest hoax ever
perpetrated on the American people" and raising hundreds of thousands more
dollars to buy more air time for more skeptics.
This manufactured denial is by far the biggest obstacle facing all of us at
work on this issue. Launched a decade ago by the coal industry, it has been
carried forward more recently by the oil industry which spent more than $15
million since 1998 to bankroll these skeptics and their institutions.
ExxonMobil has been an especially active player in this game. In 2001, the head
of the ICCC, Dr. Robert Watson, suggested the US was doing less than it might
to address global warming. In response, ExxonMobil sent a memo to President
Bush telling him to get rid of Watson. In short order, Watson was out of a job.
Just days after the Bush Administration took office in 2001, Lee Raymond, then
CEO of Exxon Mobil, had a private meeting with Vice President Cheney to discuss
the composition of his energy task force. The group ultimately included representatives
of every major coal and oil company -- and not one member of the environmental
ExxonMobil also made clear in a series of ads on the op-ed pages of the New
York Times, that it was vehemently opposed to any US involvement with the Kyoto
Behind the scenes, the company engineered the appointment of an oil-friendly
operative, Harlan Watson, to be the Administration's chief climate negotiator.
Whereupon Watson promptly announced that the US would not join the Kyoto process
for at least a decade -- if at all.
And when President Bush formally did withdraw the US from Kyoto, the White House
sent several notes thanking ExxonMobil for its "active involvement"
in helping determine the administration's climate policies.
The oil industry's influence on the Administration's climate and energy policies
surfaced again last year. Early in his administration, President Bush appointed
Phil Cooney, an official of the American Petroleum Institute, to head up the
White House climate office. Last year, Cooney was found to have personally altered
a major scientific report on coming climate impacts in the U.S., deleting and
softening references to the dangers of climate change. When his hand-altered
document was provided to the press, a public outcry forced Cooney to resign
from the White House. A few days later, he was hired by ExxonMobil.
As recently as four months ago, the company took another step to further distort
public policy. At the beginning of the year, a group of 86 Evangelical ministers
had urged strong action on global warming to help preserve God's creation --
and to protect the world's poorest and most vulnerable residents from the ravages
of climate change.
That was followed, in July, by a statement by a different group of evangelical
organizations proclaiming climate change is God's will and downplaying its severity.
It turns out the fundamentalist groups that formed the core of this new coalition
received $2.5 million in funding from ExxonMobil.
And last month, Exxon's recently-retired CEO Lee Raymond was appointed by President
Bush to head up a new panel to determine America's energy future.
In short, the White House has become the East Coast branch office of ExxonMobil
and Peabody Coal -- and climate change has become the preeminent case study
of the contamination of our political process with money.
This fusion of corporate interests with government power has proved an almost
insurmountable obstacle to the climate movement's ability to get its larger
message across.
So I think the really critical focus for climate activists should be on the
press. I know from my own experience that, were the press to cover this issue
thoroughly and consistently, that would mobilize the public in six months.
Unfortunately the industry public relations specialists have been so successful
in promoting equivocal and confusing climate coverage that the American public
is at least 10 years behind the rest of the world in understanding the magnitude
and urgency of the issue.
There are a number of reasons for this – none of them, given the magnitude
of the story, justifiable.
One reason, I think, involves the fact that the career path to the top at news
outlets normally lies in following the track of political reporting. Top editors
tend to see all issues through a political lens.
Let me mention just one -- out of scores -- of recent examples:
Prior to his withdrawal from Kyoto, President Bush declared he would not accept
the findings of the IPCC – because they represented “foreign science”
(even though about half of the 2,000 scientists who contribute to the IPCC are
American.) Instead, Bush called on the U.S. National Academy of Sciences to
provide “American science.”
What I found astounding was this. Even as the Washington press corps reported
this story, not one reporter bothered to check the position of the NAS. Had
they done so, they would have found that as early as 1992, three years before
the IPCC determined that humans are changing the climate, the NAS was pushing
for strong measures to minimize the impacts of human-induced global warming.
So that’s just a quick nod to the culture of journalism – which
is, basically, a political culture which is not particularly hospitable –
in fact, I think it's institutionally arrogant -- toward non-political areas
of coverage.
The next reason has to do with this campaign of disinformation launched by the
coal industry and most recently carried forward by ExxonMobil. As I mentioned,
the fossil fuel lobby paid a tiny handful of scientists – virtually all
of whom had no standing in the mainstream scientific community – to dismiss
the reality of climate change. That campaign has had a profoundly corrosive
effect on journalists by insisting the issue of climate change be cast as a
debate -- when, in fact, there is no debate in the community of mainstream climate
For the longest time, the press accorded the same weight to he "skeptics"
as it did to mainstream scientists. This was done in the name of journalistic
balance. In fact, it represented journalistic laziness.
The ethic of journalistic balance comes into play when there is a story involving
opinion: Should society sanction gay marriage? Should abortion be legal? Should
we withdraw our troops from Iraq? When a story involves opinion, a journalist
is ethically obligated to give each major competing view its most articulate
presentation – and roughly equal space.
But when it’s a question of fact, it’s up to a reporter to get off
her or his butt and find out what the facts are. The issue of balance is not
relevant when the focus of a story is factual.
Granted there have been a few credentialed scientists – although only
Dick Lindzen comes to mind -- who have published in the peer-reviewed literature
and who minimize climate change as relatively inconsequential.
In that case, if a journalist wants her or his coverage to be balanced, the
story should reflect the weight of opinion in the scientific community -- and
that means that the mainstream climate scientists would get 90 percent of the
story and the dissenters would get a couple of paragraphs at the end.
Today, that is finally beginning to happen -- although very belatedly.
As one co-chair of the IPCC told me: "There is no debate among any statured
scientists working on this issue about the larger trends of what is happening
to the climate." That is something you would never know from US press coverage.
But it is something you should point out to every editor and reporter you encounter
as you work to get your message out. Stop approaching reporters like beggars,
asking for a handout. Let them know how angry you are at them for allowing themselves
to be conned into betraying their public trust.
One researcher, who surveyed more than 900 peer-reviewed research articles two
years ago, found that not one questioned the consensus agreement about human-induced
warming. By contrast, much of the press coverage in the U.S. continues to cast
the issue as an issue of debate among scientists.
And that is exactly what the public relations strategists of the carbon lobby
want. They don't care who wins the debate, as long as the public perceives it
to be a debate. That way, people can shrug and say, "Come back and tell
us what you know when you know what you're talking about." To keep the
issue framed as a debate allows the public to avoid confronting what can be
a frightening and, potentially, emotionally overwhelming threat.
The U.S. press today is in what I call “stage-two” denial of the
climate crisis. The media acknowledge its existence – and minimize its
urgency and scope. You can see this from the pattern of coverage that provides
occasional feature stories about the decimation of the forests in Alaska –
but which continues to ignore the central diplomatic, political and economic
conflicts around the issue.
For example, many editors view climate change as a kind of proxy issue for political
liberals. That is not the case.
The earliest, very forceful advocate was Conservative British Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher. William F. Buckley, Jr., has published serious warnings about
global warming. Jim Woolsey, former CIA director, and Republican Senator Richard
Lugar from Indiana wrote an extensive piece in Foreign Affairs about the need
to address climate change. President Bush's first Treasury Secretary, Paul O'Neill,
has likened the coming impacts of climate change to a nuclear holocaust. And
the senator taking the lead in trying to regulate carbon emissions is conservative
Senator John McCain.
It would be really useful if journalists were to spend a bit more time examining
the real -- rather than the assumed -- politics of climate change.
It would also help if they would connect a few very obvious dots between this
Administration's climate and energy policies and its sources of institutional
and financial support.
Five years ago, the President reneged on his campaign promise to cap emissions
from coal-powered plants.
The Administration then announced the first draft of its energy plan –
calling for up to 1,900 new power plants -- which is basically a fast track
to climate hell.
In a truly Orwellian stroke, the White House removed all references to the dangers
of climate change from the EPA's website.
More recently, one of the country's most prominent climate scientists, NASA's
Jim Hansen, learned he was being censored when the agency ordered him to get
prior approval for any papers, lectures or media interviews.
Shortly thereafter, it was disclosed that researchers at the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration could not take part in any press interviews without
an agency "minder" present to decide what the researchers are allowed
to say.
(This is very ominous -- especially to a journalist. The reason I was able to
write my two books as hard as I did was because of what scientists said to me
off the record. On the record, scientists use very conservative scientific language;
they speak in terms of estimates and trends and probabilities. Off the record,
they told me, "This stuff is scary as hell." It gave me a context
and perspective for my own understanding that I would never have gotten with
a government "minder" sitting at my elbow.)
And, of course, the president withdrew the US from the Kyoto talks.
At the time, he pledged the U.S. withdrawal would not affect the efforts of
other countries.
Nevertheless, two years ago, the Bush Administration used its diplomatic leverage
under the Framework Convention to emasculate the next round of climate talks.
When the parties to Kyoto met in Bonn the following May to discuss the next
commitment period, they were prohibited from coming out with any action plan
at all. As one veteran climate negotiator said, the U.S. left the climate talks
"hanging on to a rock face by their fingernails." (The results out
of Nairobi this week seem not substantially different).
This is not political conservatism. This is corruption disguised as conservatism.
In the early 1990s, with the science still uncertain, this deception could be
excused as predictable, business-as-usual response.
But since the science has become so robust and the impacts so visible, I have
truly come to regard it as a crime against humanity.
To me as a journalist, this whole campaign goes way beyond the traditional reach
of public relations spin. To me, this effort basically amounts to the privatization
of truth.
Because of the success of this deeply dishonest campaign of information control,
we find ourselves today in a truly schizophrenic predicament. We are torn between
the promise of solutions and the impulse toward survivalism. The situation is
that dire.
Last year, Rajendra Pachauri, the head of the IPCC, declared, we have a 10 year
window to begin to make "very deep cuts" in our carbon fuel use if
"humanity is to survive." That is remarkably strong language from
a UN diplomat. That warning was echoed in December by NASA's James Hansen.
The British ecologist, James Lovelock, was even more pessimistic. Earlier this
year, he declared that we may have already passed the point of no return in
our ability to stave off climate chaos.
You can even see the panic even in such accomplished scientists as Nobel Laureate
Paul Crutzen and NCAR's Tom Wigley just who proposed pumping long-lived aerosols
into the stratosphere to reduce the amount of sunlight hitting earth. Both scientists
acknowledge this is an expression of pure desperation.
I think one antidote to the generalized psychological denial that provides such
fertile ground for the industry-created campaigns lies in an understanding that
a switch to renewable energy does not imply a major decline in our living standards
and that, to the contrary, it represents a pathway to a far more wealthy, equitable
and secure world.
What the US must do is to join the rest of the world in a common global project
to rewire the world with clean energy. The centerpiece of the last chapter of
my book, Boiling Point outlines three global strategies that could accomplish
a global transition to clean energy. While we are not at all dogmatic about
the details, we believe it represents a model of the scope and scale of what
we need to accomplish.
The strategies include
* a change in energy subsidy policies in industrial countries,
* the creation of a large fund to transfer clean energy to poor countries, and
* a binding regulatory mechanism that requires every country to increase its
fossil fuel efficiency by five percent a year.
Just a few words about each of these policies:
· The US spends about $25 billion a year subsidizing coal and oil. That
figure is $200 billion a year in the entire industrial world. If those subsidies
were removed from fossil fuels and put behind renewables, the oil companies
would follow the money and become aggressive developers of fuel cells, solar
panels and windmills. That subsidy shift would also bring out of the woodwork
an army of energy engineers and entrepreneurs -- with successively more efficient
generations of solar film and turbines and tidal devices -- in an explosion
of creativity that would rival the revolution of the 1990s.
· The creation of a large fund, that has been calculated at about $300
billion a year for about a decade, to jumpstart renewable energy infrastructures
in poor countries. This could be funded by carbon taxes in the north. It could
come from a tax on international airline travel. A mechanism we like involves
a tax on international currency transactions. Today the commerce in those currency
transactions exceeds $1.5 trillion a day. A small tax of a quarter of a penny
on a dollar would net out to about $300 billion a year for wind farms in India,
fuel-cell factories in South Africa, solar assemblies in El Salvador, and vast,
solar-powered hydrogen farms on the deserts of the Middle East; and, ·
the adoption within the Kyoto framework of a binding, Fossil Fuel Efficiency
Standard that rises by 5 percent per year. This is a mechanism that would make
it all work.
Under this plan, every country would start at its current baseline to increase
its Fossil Fuel energy efficiency by 5 percent every year until the global 70
percent reduction was attained. That means a country would produce the same
amount as the previous year with five percent less carbon fuel. Or it would
produce five percent more goods with the same carbon fuel use as the previous
Since no economy grows at five percent for long, emissions reductions would
outpace long-term economic growth. It could actually happen much more quickly
than that.
For the first few years of this progressive efficiency standard, most countries
would meet their goals by implementing low-cost -- even profitable -- efficiencies
– getting the waste out of their current energy systems. After a few years,
as those efficiencies became more expensive to capture, countries would meet
the 5 percent goal by drawing more and more energy from renewable sources –
most of which are 100 percent efficient by a Fossil Fuel standard.
And that would create the mass markets and economies of scale for renewables
that would bring down their prices and make them competitive with coal and oil.
I believe a plan of this magnitude -- regardless of the details -- would create
millions of jobs, especially in developing countries. It would turn impoverished
and dependent countries into trading partners. It would raise living standards
abroad without compromising ours. It would undermine the economic desperation
that gives rise to so much anti-US sentiment. And in a very short time, it would
jump the renewable energy industry into a central, driving engine of growth
of the global economy.
Finally, at the risk of being overly visionary, I do believe, because energy
is so central to our existence, that a common global project to rewire the world
with clean energy could be the first step on a path to peace -- even in today's
profoundly fractured world: Peace among people and peace between people and
Stepping back for a moment to a wider-angle vantage point, this kind of initiative
could also be the beginning of the end of an outdated and increasingly toxic
nationalism which we have long ago outgrown.
The economy is becoming truly globalized.
The globalization of communications now makes it possible for any person to
communicate with anyone else around the world.
And since it is no respecter of national boundaries, the global climate makes
us one.
We hear many complaints about the costliness of addressing the climate crisis.
But the real economic issue in rewiring the world with clean energy is not cost.
The real economic issue is whether the world has a large enough labor force
to accomplish this task in time to meet nature's deadline.
But therein lies the catch -- nature's deadline. A growing number of the world's
leading climate scientists agree that we are already too far along a catastrophic
trajectory to avoid significant disruptions. So my enthusiasm for the healing
potential -- on many different levels -- of something like these solutions is
tempered by an increasingly loud and persisting question: how are people of
good will and social conscience supposed to respond in the face of a coming
age of collapse?
There is no body of expertise -- no authoritative answers -- for this one. We
are crossing a threshold into uncharted territory. And since there is no precedent
to guide us, we are left with only our own hearts to consult, the intellectual
integrity to look reality in the eye, whatever courage we can muster and our
uncompromising dedication to a human future that reflects the combined aspirations
of every single person in this room.
-- Ross Gelbspan (Nov. 2006)