Although the complete workshop form is flexible enough to be done even within a three hour time slot, we strongly recommend the longer format, even if this means that fewer people can participate. The standard time is from before dinner on Friday night to late afternoon on Sunday and our standard format is:

Friday evening - introduction by facilitators
opening ritual / dance / song
sharing circle - short introduction by participants
a name game
songs, chants, drumming, etc

Saturday morning - yoga, meditation, ritual in nature
sharing circle
the milling (including the blind-walk)
the mourning

Saturday afternoon - late lunch
sharing circle
(evolutionary journey?)
introduction to the council process
finding your ally (in nature)

Saturday evening - more mask-making
drumming, dancing, songs etc.

Sunday morning - yoga, meditation, ritual in nature
sharing circle
the council of all beings

Sunday afternoon - grounding exercises
sharing circle and networking
ritual closing

Remember this is just one format of the Council of All Beings. You can change things around as you see fit!

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