The Most Successful World Religion
Richard C. Foltz
Associate Professor
Dept. of Religion
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve W./O., R-302
Montréal (Qc) H3G 1M8
For ten years now scholars and pundits have been debating the thesis advanced
by Samuel Huntington in his book The Clash of Civilizations, that the Western
world (and specifically the United States) are on a collision course with the
world of Islam. More generally, Huntington posits an impending conflict between
“the West and the Rest”. Huntington draws a fundamental opposition
between the “traditional” worldviews of non-Western societies and
the “secular” worldview said to prevail in the West.
To point out that “secularism” itself can be considered a kind of
religion, would only serve to shift the discussion away from the critical issue
at hand: the worldview and consequent behavior of the dominant culture today
is founded upon a way of thinking that is essentially religious, though in a
way that deliberately obfuscates its true nature.
If the partisans of al-Qa’eda (or the Muslims Brothers, or countless other
“anti-western” organizations) seem above all to be reactionaries
claiming to act in defense of their own religious tradition, it may be that
they themselves are mistaken in believing themselves to be struggling against
the “non-religion” of Western secularism. In fact the hegemonic
forces which they feel to threaten their own traditional systems are driven
and sustained by a vision every bit as “religious” as that of the
Arab conquerors of the seventh century or the Catholic inquisitors of fifteenth
century Europe, carrying with them their “civilizing mission” and
demonstrably ready to shed blood in the course of bringing the entire world
to their notion of salvation.
Another notable similarity is the financial, political and military support
of the state. But here too one risks misinterpretation resulting from an overly
narrow definition of “the state”. We are not speaking simply of
the government of the United States, or of European nations, or even of “Middle
Eastern despotisms”, though all of these are deply implicated. In fact
what we are seeing today—even if relatively few people recognize this
explicitly—is the emergence of a system of world governance in which national
governments are subordinating their powers and their resources, for the most
part willingly, to the demands of the global market and the organizations which
represent it. This merging of “sovereign” national governments with
transnational financial interests—which corresponds closely with the way
Benito Mussolini preferred to define fascism—is spreading throughout the
world today to a degree never before seen in history.
When global citizens today demonstrate by the thousands against the WTO or outside
closed session for the negotiation of free-trade agreements, it may be a sign
that many now sense at least intuitively that they are facing the same threat
feared by Islamic militants, Third World farmers, and others, namely, the negation
and elimination of their own voices and agency. If Greenpeace and al-Qa’eda
differ dramatically in their choice of tactics, the forces motivating their
resistance surely bear something in common. They resist for the same reason
Native Americans resisted Christianization: they saw in it the eventual disappearance
of their way of life, their values, their very livelihood, in the face of an
ideology which served only the interests of the rich and powerful. Today, the
debate is not simply over tastes and preferences; for many, it is a struggle
for survival.
The dominant religion throughout the world today, and which has enjoyed a more
dramatic rise and spread than any religion in history, is neither Christianity
nor secularism, but a religion so rarely recognized as such that it doesn’t
yet have a name. For the time being, then, we may follow the lead of Buddhist
philosopher David Loy, and call it “the Religion of the Market.”
We are not talking metaphor here, but reality; the religion of the market is
a religion in every operative sense of the word. It possesses the complete ecclesiastical
apparatus, including the neo-classical economists who function as its priests
(and who alone know the mysteries of the faith), the advertising agencies who
serve as its worldwide missionaries, and the shopping mall which is its church.
(A quick comparison of attendance at these two institutions, even on a Sunday
morning, will quickly reveal which religion currently boasts the greater number
of adherents.)
The religion of the market teaches that salvation and spiritual fulfillment
are to be found only in the consumption of products. It preaches an ethical
system in which the highest virtue is to shop. All are called to practice the
faith publicly, or be perceived as outside the community: one need only recall
the words of George W. Bush soon after the attacks of September 11, 2001, when
he instructed the American people to respond to this assault on their way of
life by going shopping. In case there be any room for doubt, the American president
was quick to assert that “You are either with us or against us.”
The rituals and dogmas of the religion of the market are not hard to find. Every
evening the national news programs tell us of the state of the economy, always
showing the latest stock market figures even though most people don’t
own stocks and are not therefore directly affected by this “news”
(unlike so much other news which does affect them, and which goes unreported).
We are also daily shown the ritual of the stock market closing, where some (usually
unrecognized) important businessman is given the honor of pounding the gavel
to signal the close of the day’s trading.
These same news broadcasts will never raise substantive questions regarding
the faith which it is their sole duty to propagate. To the contrary, they speak
unendingly of “economic growth” as if it could (indeed, must) continue
forever, never of natural limits. Similarly, they speak of the GNP as the sole
measure of prosperity and social well-being, never noting that much of the economic
activity it measures—health care costs, pollution clean-up, legal fees
associated with divorces and lawsuits—are actually negative social indicators.
Nor is it ever pointed out that overall economic growth figures hide the fact
that disparities between rich and poor are growing, and that wealth is being
concentrated upward to an ever-smaller group of global elites while half the
earth’s human population languishes in worsening poverty. For the mass
media, not to remark on these evident facts amounts to permanent self-censorship.
An honest analysis, on the other hand, would reveal that the religion of the
market does not and cannot keep its promises of salvation, redemption, and earthly
paradise for all humans willing to accept the conditions of the market. The
emptiness of these promises results from the simple fact that the dogmas of
this religion are based on lies.
Let us take for example the idea that if one gives advantages to the rich, the
poor will prosper as well through some kind of ‘trickle-down” effect.
The falseness of this self-serving claim is amply demonstrated by the statistics
of the past thirty years which show the opposite to be the case. Or the promise
that everyone on earth can hope to one day achieve a level of consumption equivalent
to that currently enjoyed by North Americans. Ecologists have made the calculations:
it would require seven times the resources of the planet earth to sustain the
present human population of six billion at such levels, not to speak of the
fact that this population is growing. And as for the notion of perpetual economic
growth, how do our pundits manage to avoid the obvious point that unlimited
growth in a world of finite resources is a logical impossibility?
In reality, what is referred to today as the “global economy” is
nothing more than a vast pyramid scheme. It rests on virtually no material support
whatsoever, at least in relation to the trillions of dollars of transactions
which take place every day. These transactions are no longer founded—as
was the case in the past—on the exchange of actual, tangible goods and
services, but solely on the confidence of investors, that is to say, on faith
alone. It is easy to understand the hysteria of the neo-liberals when one speaks
of slowing consumption or living more simply: they fear the total collapse of
the system would result. The global economy, like all faith systems, exists
only by virtue of the beliefs of its faithful. If people stop believing, the
system crumbles.
It is therefore erroneous to characterize those resisting certain aspects of
globalization as being simply opposed to secularism (the accusation most often
leveled at islamists) or as being nothing more than anarchists and luddites
(as is said of western protesters). It would be more appropriate to speak of
a generalized global resistance expressing itself in various localized ways,
in opposition to the often violent imposition of a hierarchical, unjust, anti-democratic,
and deceitful ideology supported by a belief system that is inconsistent with
the needs of the majority of the people and with the limits of the biosphere.
In the interest, then, of preserving our rights and our autonomy, of working
for a more just, livable world for all, as well as ensuring the continuity of
the natural systems upon which we depend, we must all learn to recognize the
religion of the market in all its forms, and for the false religion it is. In
its place, we must seek alternative value systems which are consistent with
our respective cultural traditions and with the functioning of the ecosystems
which make our continued existence possible.