The Rainforest Deep Ecology Roadshow
featuring John Seed & Ruth Rosenhek (see Schedule)



Since 1983, Australian rainforest activist John Seed has been conducting roadshows around the United States and the world.

Seed had been powerfully drawn into the protection of his local rainforest in northern New South Wales, Australia in 1979. After direct action campaigns preserved the majority and the best of the rainforests of the Australian states of New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania in World Heritage national parks, Seed and other volunteers from the Rainforest Information Centre (RIC) helped generate the world rainforest movement.

Dubbed "the town crier of the global village" by the Christian Science Monitor, in 1996 Seed was honored with the "Order of Australia Medal" for services to conservation and the environment.

In 1983, Dave Foreman, Mike Roselle, Cecelia Ostrow and Seed on their "Earth First! Deep Ecology Roadshow", launched the first rainforest campaign in the U.S

Seven thousand miles around the US and Canada in a tiny Volkswagen bus culminated in the San Francisco gig with Gary Snyder and other local luminaries where Randy Hayes announced the launching of the Rainforest Action Network

In 1997, Seed was joined by Ruth Rosenhek, environmental justice activist and eco-philospopher.

The show includes Rainforest Information Centre's videos of radical rainforest conservation and restoration of degraded landscapes in Ecuador, New Guinea and India. 

Woven through the show are raps on deep ecology and the deeper philosophical, spiritual and cosmological meaning of these times.

The annual roadshow and tour of Council of All Beings and other deep ecology workshops are an extended benefit season for projects of the Rainforest Information Centre in Ecuador, India and other developing countries and environmental activism in the United States, Australia and abroad.

John and Ruth and other musicians who join them  volunteer their time to nourish these projects.