by Eshana (Elizabeth Bragg, PhD) -
19th December 1997 from
Selected writings by Eshana
PO Box 368, Rainforest Information Centre, Lismore NSW 2480,
For the last eighteen months or so, some friends and I have been
holding a vision of an on-going land-based community
which is actively engaged in education for the Earth -
what we are calling 'The Communiversity'.
history of the idea
Whilst in retreat in Chile in 1996, the
idea sprung into my heart and soul. Travelling that year through
the Americas facilitating workshops with John Seed affirmed the
importance of creating a centre 'back home' - a living breathing
eco-community where people can continue to live what we
experience in the shorter deep ecology workshops (e.g., the Council of All
Beings). This centre
would be an on-going venue for these workshops and other
alternative/holistic/experiential environmental and social
education (University-
A source of wisdom?).
On our return to Australia, John and I teamed up with Holly
Shiach and Stewart Edmondson (inspiring environmental educators
and visionary permaculturalists). We began the search for land
and met with others interested in developing a community, and
quickly realised the enormity of our task!
In December 1996, we helped found 'Earth Philosophies
Australia', a group of radical
environmental philosophers dedicated to promoting ecological
consciousness through an alternative education network (Earth Philosophies Australia; other founding members include Patsy Hallen, Freya
Mathews and Val Plumwood). This group has held two 'bush
schools', established a web-site, and is supportive of the
communiversity idea. After the first bush school, where the
communiversity was discussed, I wrote some initial visioning
notes which are outlined below.
There are already projects and institutes around the world which
share many of our visions. A part of the communiversity project
is to establish links with these groups and to develop mutually
supportive relationships so that a strong network of
alternative education for the Earth can grow. We
hope to provide courses and experiences of such quality that we
become an internationally recognised institute.
and goals
* A place where we can live
ecology. 'Home'. A nurturing base for activism,
where there is an equal valuing of 'inner' and 'outer' social
change work. Living as an integrated part of the natural
ecosystem, actively promoting ecological protection, healing and
* Materially self-supporting. Growing
much of our own food, with organic vegetable gardens and fruit
orchards using a permaculture design. Developing ecological
industries (e.g., native tree nursery, sustainable timber and
crafts, retreat / education centre, social and environmental
research consultancy).
* Good communication processes.
Effective group process which values individuality (our special
needs, skills and attributes) and joining together to make
decisions. Cooperation which allows the emergent properties of
the whole group to arise.
* Valuing spiritual practice, emotional and
psychological exploration. These need to be
integrated within, and form the basis for, the community.
* Open to all ages. Create as 'natural'
a village situation as possible with all generations involved in
the living and learning community. It would be great to offer
courses for all age-groups, but youth leaving school - keen to
learn but until now not offered the type of Earth-based education
they long for - must be a priority
* Offering a series of short courses in the wide
variety of things we need to know, practice and become in order
to live harmoniously with each other and the planet
(e.g., permaculture, alternative building techniques,
ecoforestry, natural healing, music, ecophilosophy, ecology and
nature interpretation, ecopsychology, conflict resolution,
community development and human settlement design). Courses might
be weekend or week-long, and, eventually, these short courses
could be brought together to form an on-going course to provide
something like a 'Diploma in Earth Skills'.
* Participation in the daily operation of the
community could be included in each course.
* Bringing together people who want to teach
something with people who want to learn it.
Breaking down the traditional student-teacher relationships by
encouraging students to teach and teachers to learn. Establishing
a learning community.
* Connection with the mainstream university system,
without being controlled or limited by it. For
example, university students could receive credit points for
attending communiversity courses. The communiversity, however,
should not be restricted by being dependent on funding from the
mainstream academic system, or by the need for formal
accreditation as a 'university'. It is vital that the
communiversity retain its independence in its teaching and
research capacities.
The communiversity would also function to support Earth-focused
students and educators in the mainstream system, by providing
both social and academic support. Social support
would be provided by access to a non-academic community of people
working, living, feeling and understanding the world in similar
ways; and by providing a venue for joining together with other
like-minded academics. Academic support would be provided by the
access to trained academics - e.g., environmental philosophers,
scientists and psychologists.
* Self-reflexive, action-research approach.
Social and environmental inquiry - research, monitoring and
evaluation - of all communiversity projects are essential.
* Alternative, creative economics. We
need to explore a diversity of means to materially support this
venture, including seeking loans, grants and donations from
institutions and individuals in the wider community (local,
national and international). To be accessible, whilst remaining
financially viable, we can charge for courses but offer
scholarships and work-exchange opportunities. Teachers
(especially those travelling from overseas) might be offered
their travel expenses plus a week-long experience of a life-time
on the communiversity, plus a week's 'eco-tour' of the
surrounding rainforests and beaches of Northern NSW!
So, this is just where the visioning begins, and new details and
ideas are continually emerging.
The word 'communiversity'
has been used before (I first heard it used by Daniel Greenberg
to describe the Gaia Education Outreach Institute in New
Hampshire). There was, in fact, a 'communiversity' which started
right here in Northern NSW twenty years ago, but failed for a
number of reasons including isolation, lack of experience and
models of functioning communities, and difficulty of integration
with the larger community. (Maybe it was twenty years before its
time!). I, personally, like the word 'communiversity' because it
is reminiscent of the idealistic 'hippy commune' of the 1970's,
but suggests less 'dropping out' or rejection of mainstream
society. In a communiversity, the creation of an alternative
lifestyle is intimately linked with the sharing of this living
environmental philosophy. The lines of communication and access
between the 'mainstream' and 'alternative' communities must be
open so that these boundaries can be broken down.
So, where are we up to with all of this? John Seed has returned
his focus to travelling workshops and roadshows, and while he is
still fully supportive of the communiversity project, is less
directly involved than a year ago.
Recently, however, we have made some big leaps and bounds - or I
could say, the Universe has picked us up in her wings and flown
onwards with us quite a way. Stewart, Holly and I have linked up
with the 'Sustainability Research Institute' (SRI),
a non-profit organisation whose current directors include Dudley
Leggett (personal / community development, whole systems and
resource management, co-founder of Dharmananda
intentional community), Lydia Jaquiss (media communications,
permaculture, bushfoods) and Ron 'Arjuna' Brown (ecotourism,
permaculture, bushland and coastal management). Upon meeting, it
was clear that we shared the same vision (email address for SRI
With the assistance of Lenn Webb (Professor Emeritus of Australian
Environmental Studies at Griffith University), SRI is
currently forming a Research Committee of which I will be a
member. This committee will include experts in rainforest
ecology, coastal ecology, social science and financial
management. It will ensure that funds coming into the
organisation will be spent appropriately, and is necessary for
SRI to be registered with the CSIRO as a research institute. This
means SRI will have tax-deductible status.
We have found a very suitable piece of land, close to Byron Bay
in Northern NSW (otherwise known as 'the rainbow region'), for
which we are gathering the deposit at this very moment. It is 86
acres of fertile volcanic soil - green rolling hills with huge
fig trees, spring-fed dams and exquisite views of Byron Bay and
Mt Warning (a sacred mountain and the place light first touches
Australia). It has a house already on the land, where the
community could begin and we could hold the first workshops.
Three hours drive from Brisbane international airport, and
central to the area which tourists visit because of its ecology
and alternative culture, it is ideally located to attract
international and national visitors, and to draw upon local
expertise in sustainable lifestyles. To my knowledge, this will
be the first such institute in Australia.
The current owner is supportive of our project and has agreed to
give us six months to find the Aus$750,000 to buy the land.
you can do
I am hoping that you will be interested in helping our process
along. At the present time, I can think of three ways which you
might be able to assist us, but please be creative!
Letters of support. In order
to raise funds, get planning permission, and generally enthuse
the local community, it would be great if you could write a
letter to us expressing your support for the project. If you are
interested in teaching and learning with us, please let us know
in your letter. (Please send it to me at Rainforest Information
Centre, PO Box 368, Lismore NSW 2480, Australia or email me on
Financial support. We need loans
and donations to finance the purchase of the land and development
of the site. Donations to the SRI will shortly be tax-deductible.
If you are interested in financially supporting the project in
some way, please let us know and we will send you the business
plan we are preparing for early 1998. Maybe you know of a funding
body whose mission aligns with our project?
Publicity and networking. Please
let people know about what we are doing, and copy this material
for people who might be interested. If you have been involved
with the development of a similar institute, please write to me
with any lessons learned along the way, or simply send any
information you have about your centre.
So, I hope I have enthused you about our project.
Loving the Earth and all her creatures, Eshana (Elizabeth Bragg,
For more
writings by Eshana
Information Centre's Deep Ecology Index