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Coming Back To Life: 
a workshop for compassionate action

This short workshop comprises a series of practices based on the "Despair and Empowerment" or "Deep Ecology" work of Joanna Macy. The workshop is experiential, and includes the Truth Mandala, a group process for emotional release and re-connection with each other and with all life.

The workshop is based on the assumption that if we own and honour our collective pain for the world and its suffering, it opens us to life and joy and love and compas sion. We reconnect with our feelings of empathy and connect more closely with each other. This empowers us to make a difference and supports us in action for change.

Date: Saturday 26th August

Time: 1.30 - 5.30 pm

Place: House in Campbell adjoining bushland

Donation requested for the Rainforest Information Centre

Bookings essential : Jane Ambrose 6262 9906 or Gerry Jacobson 6281 3850

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