From: "Chris Johnstone" <>
To: "John Seed" <>
Subject: FW: Deep Ecology News - March 2002
Date: Thursday, May 02, 2002 10:41 AM

Subject: FW: Deep Ecology News - March 2002

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Deep Ecology News! This is has started as a one-off, because
there's lots going on that's worth telling people about. However it may grow
into something occasional (perhaps every 3 months or so), with the aim of
keeping people up to date with various Deep Ecology related events in the
UK. At the moment this is just me passing on details of things people have
told me about, but if you or someone you know have the energy to pick up
this initiative and take further (ie produce a regular more together thing),
I'd be very pleased to pass it on to you! In this edition there are 20

Please pass it on to anyone else on your email address list that you think
might be interested.
Best wishes
Chris Johnstone
For Deep Ecology Facilitator Network UK

(1) March 16th 2002 - There will be an Ecopsychology Networking Afternoon on
March 16th, 2-6pm, at Cecil Sharp House, 2, Regents Park Road, London NW1
Anyone with an interest in the field of Ecopsychology is welcome to come
along for an informal time, to connect, share information/events/reading,
make merry and whatever else. There will be a minimal cost of sharing the
room rental. Students/UB40 can pay whatever is affordable.
Please contact Mary-Jayne Rust on <> if
you would like to come, so that we can get an idea of numbers.
(2) SCHUMACHER COLLEGE, An International Centre for Ecological Studies in
Devon, is running a 3 week course in Ecopsychology.
John Seed, Ruth Rosenhek and Mary-Jayne Rust
April 14 - May 3, 2002
For further details of Schumacher College and its courses, please contact:
Administrator, Schumacher College, The Old Postern, Dartington, Totnes,
Devon TQ9 6EA, UK
Tel: (0)1803 865934; Fax: (0)1803 866899. From outside the UK, replace the
first 0 with the appropriate international dialling code.
Email: <> Web:
On the Schumacher College website you can find the full text of the
prospectus, current course programme, and application form. Additional
material such as student profiles, articles of related interest, bursaries
and scholarship details, is also available.
(3) On Saturday 27th April Chris Bowles will be running a one day workshop
at Emmaus House, Clifton, Bristol working with the four elements of Earth,
Air, Fire and Water. She'll be exploring the symbolic and energetic
qualities of the elements and their impact on the individual, but also
aiming to build a sense of connectedness with the cycles of life, the wheel
of the year, and the greater environment. This is part of a series of four
one day workshops, the remaining workshops during summer and autumn will be
on The Cauldron of Creativity, a Self Nurturing Day, and Myth and Story.
Each will last one day and will cost £40.00 (£35.00 concessions). All will
be held in Bristol, and Chris can let people have details of
reasonably-priced accommodation if required. Contact Chris Bowles on
(4) Sharing Nature Workshop with Joseph Cornell on Friday 19th April
This is a rare opportunity to work with a key figure in environmental
education and it much recommended. It is part of the Education Earthwise
Conference, which begins the next day. Cost £65 For info see (5)
(5) The 9th Education Earthwise Conference on Sat 20th April 2002
Guest Speaker - Joseph Cornell - author of 'Sharing Nature with Children'
at Northmoor Trust, Oxfordshire
Workshops include:
. Permaculture in Education with Andy Langford
. WildWise with Chris Salisbury
. Earth Education - with Jon Cree
. The Real Business of Learning - Forest Schools with Richard Mulvany
& Kris Tutton . Goldswothy inspired natural Art with Jane Millin .
Wild Waste Show -Ready, Steady, Cook! with the WWS Project, Clare
Tomlinson and Annie Cousins . The Newt, The Eagle and the Hare -
Storytelling and story making - with added extras. Peter Hearn and
Kirsty Delf . Raiders of the Lost Skip (low cost interpretation) with
Julia Sargent and Linda Francis . Scrap Leads to Art and Technology
with Orinoco Scrap Store - Jane Oldcorn . Come on Down! - from the
'Hands on Science Centre', Oxford. Mike Dennis . Rainbows - Where
will it Lead? Alan Dyer, . Virtual Walks - Oh no! . Oh Yes!
Cost £65, or £120 for Friday and Saturday.
For info for this, and the one day Joseph Cornell workshop, contact
Education Earthwise Conference
Northmoor Trust, Little Wittenham
Abingdon, Oxon. OX14 4RA

Tel. 01865 407792
Fax: 01865 407131
(6) March 30 - April 5, Restore the Earth Conference
Findhorn Foundation, Forres, Scotland IV36 3TZ
Contact or
Loads of top notch speakers, including Vandana Shiva, David Bellamy, Helena
Norberg Hodge, John Seed and more. Cost £595 incl. Accomodation.
(7) April 5-7 Council of All Beings April 8-9 Facilitator Training
With John Seed at Ardmay House, Arrochar, Edinburgh, Scotland
Cost £150 for two days, £250 for four days.
For further information contact: The Centre Manager, Ardmay House, Arrochar,
Loch Long, Argyll, G83 7AH Tel. 01301 702998. Email:
(8) April 20-21 Ecology, Identity & Evolution
Ruth Rosenhek and John Seed, Sharpham College, UK
(9) May 4, The Bristol Roadshow, an evening of inspiration, music and dance
in celebration and concern for the earth. Includes talk, songs and slide
show by John Seed, plus music from The Dreambeat (my band) and guests
8pm till midnight, £5/£4 concs, at The Folk House, Park St, Bristol BS1
contact for details.
(10) Deep Ecology on-line training course from Naropa University Distance
Learning Programme, put together by Suzanne Duarte, check it out on
(11) While we're on web based things, check out the ecomusic website on You can get a free download of one of the songs from The
Dreambeat's new CD (a 5mb download as an MP3).
Also you can get a free screensaver with the same song (eco-reggae) as a
download from
(12) 26th May To coincide with a South African initiative called The
People's Earth Summit, there's to be a Global Wave of Drumming, with people
getting together around the world to drum as a way of expressing their
concern and love for our world. Contact Nick at The Gaia Foundation for
details on email
(13) My current rave book is The Cultural Creatives by Paul Ray and Sherry
Ruth Anderson. (also check out their web page on
About how we become part of a larger process of cultural shift towards a
sustainable society. It is an inspiring read, and available from Greenspirit
Books, Alan Shepherd, 14, Beckford Close, Warminster, Wilts, BA12 9LW or
phone 01985 215679
(14) While we're on books, I've still got some copies of my booklet The Lens
of Deep Ecology for sale at £4 each (inc. P&P in UK). This is a short
introduction to Deep Ecology, Systems Theory and the ideas behind the
Despair and Empowerment workshops developed by Joanna Macy and others.
Please make cheques payable to "The Oakwood Trust", and send them to me at
24a, Balmoral Road, St Andrews, Bristol BS7 9AZ. I've also written a chapter
about Deep Ecology workshops in a recently published book on groupwork, -
"Creative Advances in Groupwork", eds Anna Chesner and Herb Hahn, Jessica
Kingsley Publishers, 2002. You should be able to order this from any book
(15) Joanna Macy will be doing an intensive workshop in Germany,
Freiburg/Blackforrest on August 5th - 15th.
For details contact Norbert Gahbler on
I don't think she's doing anything in the UK this year.
(16) Deep Ecology Mailing list - we are building up an email address list of
people who'd like to be kept up to date with deep ecology workshops and
related things in the UK. If you've received this email from, you are already on this list. If you'd like to be
taken off this address list please email me. Also if you or anyone you know
would like to be included on it, again please email me.
(17) Deep Ecology Facilitator Network - I'm building up a directory of
people interested in supporting/facilitating/promoting Deep Ecology
workshops, the aim being to help build up a support and contact network to
make the workshops more likely to happen more often. The directory will be
sent by email to people who are in it. This is the final final call for the
first edition, which I really do plan to send out very soon! Please send me
your entry before March 18th if you'd like to be included. (just your name,
contact details, and up to 200 words saying a little about what you're into,
and what you'd like to connect with other people about, eg offering
resources, asking for support) Contact for info.
(18) If you're involved in putting on a Deep Ecology workshop that isn't
mentioned here, please let me know, so that I can include it in the next
edition of Deep Ecology News. Contact
(19) Gaia Theory For Beginners - a one day course at Bristol University with
Chris Johnstone, £20, Sat May 18th. to book phone 0117 928 7165
or email for more info
(20) Burnout Prevention Strategies - a one day course at Bristol University
with Chris Johnstone, £40, May 3rd to book phone 0117 928 7166
or email for more info