From: "Chris Johnstone" <>
To: "DE News 7" <>
Subject: Deep Ecology News (UK) June 2002
Date: Saturday, June 08, 2002 2:06 PM

Dear Deep Ecology People, June 2002

Welcome to the second edition of Deep Ecology News UK. I'm aiming for this
to come out every three months, with the aim of keeping people in touch with
what's happening with Deep Ecology workshops, but also to add in some
information resources relevant to the cultural shift towards sustainability.
This is a short newsy email circular, with the idea being that if it is easy
for me to produce then it is more likely to happen regularly and on time.

If you don't want to continue receiving this newsletter, then please just
send me an email (to with the words 'remove' in
the subject heading. Please do forward this email to anyone who you think
might like to receive it. If you have been forwarded a copy and would like
to receive it regularly, then please email me and ask to be put on the
mailing list.

If you are running any Deep Ecology workshops or related events in the UK
that you'd like people to know about, please send me an email with the
details. I aim for this newsletter to come out in early September, December,
March and June, and the copy date is the first day of those months.

With you in this great Gaian adventure!
Chris Johnstone
For the UK Experiential Deep Ecology Network
(1.) Earth Activist Training 15th - 30th August 2002
with Starhawk & Penny Livingston-Stark
Ragmans Lane Farm, Gloucestershire
A permaculture design course for visionary activists. Learn the skills to
transform a piece of land, a community, and our political and economic
systems. Two weeks of camping or bunk bed accommodation and vegetarian food.
See attachment for details. Cost will be £100 - £400 sliding scale according
to income. If you are interested in taking part in this course, please
contact the organising collective for an application form, at:

Earth Activist Training
c/o 3 Yew Tree Cottages
Pitt Court, North Nibley
Glos GL11 6EB
Or e-mail:
(2.) Please visit the website at to find out
the latest about the roundhouse at Brithdir Mawr community. This community
has been developing low impact housing and permaculture lifestyles, but have
faced repeated harassment from planning authorities who want to pull down
the wonderful roundhouse lived in by Tony Wrench and Jane Faith. The
community, near Fishguard in Wales, is well worth a visit. Find out from
Tony's web site what you can do to help.
(3.) The UK Eco-psychology network produces an email newsletter and has a
contact directory of interested people. If you'd like to be included in this
or get the newsletter, then please contact Jo Woodhouse on or The copy date for entries
in their next newsletter is July 1st 2002.
(4) If you email Feja Mira at you can ask for a copy of the
new British Russian Eco-cultural Newsletter . BREN was established in 2001
in Scotland by a group of passionate and concerned individuals who felt that
the northern hemisphere's ecological cultural awareness of itself was poor.
They intend through BREN to develop a network which raises awareness,
understanding and support for projects which foster the development of a
more sustainable future in the Russian Federation and its neighbouring
states as well as Britain.
(5.) An international newsletter for people interested in deep ecology
workshops is 'The Web of Life', put together by John Seed and others at the
Rainforest Information Centre in Australia. You can get hold of this
newsletter on the web at
John is currently working on a new edition of The Web of Life, and would
love to hear about deep Ecology workshops or related issues in the UK or
anywhere else. Please send him your stories and your news at

The Rainforest Information Center site ( is
well worth a visit anyway, as they have loads of Deep Ecology resources and
goodies - including downloadable graphics for deep ecology workshop flyers
and a live streaming audio version of the Deep Ecology Rap (sung by John and
(6.) Also called 'The Web of Life' is a weekend workshop in the Golden
Valley, Herefordshire on July 19th - 21st with Elaine Brook, Paul Swatbridge
and Manu Song. This will weave together talks, meditations, music and time
in nature in an exploration of our place in the web of life. An opportunity
to experience fresh organic food, beautiful country walks and a more
peaceful pace of life. Cost £120 residential, £90 camping. For info tel 0845
458 4718 or email
(7) Chris Salisbury is involved in organising WildWise events, which aim to
offer an opportunity to learn from the experts; to meet like-minded people;
to stay in a beautiful setting and above all to deepen your relationship to
the natural world. Most of the events will be held at Bridge Farm near
Chulmleigh, Devon. Set within an outstanding landscape Bridge Farm is
tucked away in a secret, unspoilt valley bursting with wildlife. For booking
and further information please contact WildWise on 01803 762135 or e-mail at

Here's some of their events this summer

June 21st ­ 23rd 
*Storytelling Festival (Buckfast, South Devon)
A beautiful camp setting will host this fantastic opportunity to enjoy
traditional tales told by the fireside or inside magical yurts, from the
Westcountryıs top storytellers. A superb weekendıs entertainment and
inspiration for all the family.
Cost: £75 Adult £35 Child £150 Family of three

July 12th ­14th 
Nooks and Crannies Nature - Rod Lawrence
The real McCoy of wildlife/nature weekends! A good-old-fashioned naturalist
exploring biodiversity, complexity and the sheer wonder of nature. Rod
Lawrence leads a very, very good course. (Also suitable for families)
Cost: £125

July 27th 
The WildWise ³Wild Night Out²
Overnight wildlife camp ­ a 24hr family adventure introducing you to Devonıs
natural wonders through naturalist activity, sensory awareness, night and
dawn walks. This nationally acclaimed experience is quite simply,
unforgettable! Cost: £40 adult £20 Child £90 Family of three

August 2nd-4th 
Trees and Woodlands - John Rhyder
More than simple species identification, this hugely informative course
opens up the world of the forest as a living entity. The many complex
relationships that support the development of trees will be a focus as well
as the traditional uses of these natural wonders.
Cost: £125

August 4th -10th
Essential Bushcraft - John Rhyder
Sparing you the physical discomfort, this is the classic course to learn the
arts and crafts of survival skills. Syllabus includes fire-by-friction,
shelter-building, water, natural foods/medicines, cordage, woodcraft and
much more!
Cost: £325

August 21st - 25th 
The WildWise River Journey ­John Haggar, Nick Burton-Taylor
An exciting camping/canoeing expedition on the river Wye, with wilderness
skills, storytelling and a little adventure!
Cost: £195

August 27th ­ 30th
The Wild Ones! - The WildWise team
Every parent's fantasy, this course for young people is one of those rare
and exciting opportunities to learn and practice traditional, outdoor skills
in a friendly, supportive camp atmosphere. Trained staff will ensure the
participants enjoy themselves and build a powerful relationship to nature,
themselves and each other.
Cost: £135
(8.) Joanna Macy will be doing an intensive workshop in Germany,
Freiburg/Blackforrest on August 5th - 15th. For details contact Norbert
Gahbler on
(9.) Mary Jayne Rust and Caiyloirch have both expressed interest in joining
with others to organise a Deep Ecology /Ecopsychology gathering. Here is a
copy of a letter that Caiyloirch recently sent, to give an idea of what they
have in mind. If you're interested, please reply to Mary Jayne Rust at or Caiyloirch at
Dear ....
I am interested in forming a support group to explore the particular
approaches that deep ecology and ecopsychology bring to "the work that
re-connects". What I would find supportive is an ongoing meeting with
others to deepen my understanding of what this work is and how it can
be offered to the wider community.

I am also in the process of organizing a more general gathering of
the clan for people on the networks, combining exploration of these
issues with some experiential work. A face to face meeting with people
potentially interested in exploring or facilitating this work here in
the U.K.
With regards,

(10.) Deep Ecology in the Jewish Tradition - workshop 14th July
Tisha B'Av this year falls on 18th July. On Sunday 14th July, The Noah
Project and the Ruach Chavurah are presenting a unique and powerful workshop
to prepare for Tisha B’Av itself. This will be a day of shared ritualised
mourning and celebration of our larger Temple. Letting go of fear and guilt
frees us up to act for Tikkun Olam - the healing of the world - with new and
joyful energy. Everyone is warmly invited to come to this special event.
(However, it not suitable for children and no childcare will be available.)

The event is being held in a beautiful retreat centre in Pinner set in ten
acres of gardens. The venue can be reached by public transport and is
wheelchair accessible. Full details will be sent on booking. Places are
limited, so please book as early as possible, and certainly by Friday 5th
July. Workshop leaders - Vivienne Cato and Ruth Roth

Cost: £25/£15 concessions. Proceeds go to The Noah Project. Please send
cheque payable to The Noah Project, with your name, address, telephone and
email to The Noah Project (Tisha B’Av Workshop), PO Box 1828, London 10 5RT.
For other queries, telephone The Noah Project on 020 8747 9518. We look
forward to seeing you there.
(11.) Vivienne Cato and Ruth Roth are also organising an evening
talk/discussion on ECOLOGY & THE JEWISH SPIRIT on Sunday 23 June 2002
7:30 - 9:30 p.m. At THE STERNBERG CENTRE FOR JUDAISM 80 East End Road,
London N3 2SY
(12.) How do we find out what is really going on in the world?
The UN Global Environment Outlook report came out just recently.
The study takes a unique look at the policies and environmental impacts of
the past 30 years. It then outlines four policy approaches for the next
three decades and compares and contrasts the likely impacts on people and
the natural world. Over 1 000 people, many from a global network of
collaborating centres, have contributed to the preparation of GEO-3. The
report says the planet is at a crucial cross-roads with the choices made
today critical for the forests, oceans, rivers, mountains, wildlife and
other life support systems upon which current and future generations depend.

its downloadable at lots of places including;

Its got lots of great stuff in it but I would start with the overview as the
whole thing is over 11 megabytes big. (Thanks to Miles Thompson for this)

Another good source of well researched and accurate information about the
state of the planet is "The State of the World Report" published annually by
Lester Brown and colleagues at the Worldwatch Institute in the States. The
State of The World Report 2002 is out now and can be ordered from bookshops.
(13.) You'll notice that this newsletter was put out under the banner of the
UK Experiential Deep Ecology Network. What is this? This is a loose network
of people in the UK interested in Deep Ecology workshops and other
experiential approaches to deepening our connection with our world, and
strengthening our motivation to act for it. The network grew out of the
Institute for Deep Ecology UK, which was set up in 1994 to promote Deep
Ecology workshops. What are Deep Ecology workshops? Much influenced by the
work of Joanna Macy, John Seed and others, these workshops aim to strengthen
people's ability to respond to world problems. If you'd like to find out
more about these workshops, the following are recommended reading:-
€ "Coming Back to Life" by Joanna Macy and Molly Young Brown,1998, New
Society Publishers 
€ "Thinking like a Mountain" by John Seed, Joanna Macy, Arne Naess and Pat
Fleming, Heretic Press, 1988
€ I have also written a chapter introducing these workshops and the ideas
behind them, recently published in a book on groupwork "Creative Advances in
Groupwork" eds Anna Chesner and Herb Hahn, 2002, Jessica Kingsley
Publishers, available at a cost of £16.95 in shops, or from me at a reduced
price of £15 (Cheques to Chris Johnstone at 24a, Balmoral Road, St Andrews,
Bristol BS7 9AZ, UK). For two pounds, I can send you a photocopy of the
chapter and I also have copies of a booklet I wrote called "The Lens of Deep
Ecology" available at the same address for £4.
(14.) Yes, but what is Deep Ecology? The following text is taken from a
leaflet I wrote and which is also available from the Rainforest Information
Center website (see (5.) above)


Deep Ecology is a holistic approach to facing world problems that brings
together thinking, feeling, spirituality and action. It involves moving
beyond the individualism of Western culture towards also seeing ourselves as
part of the earth. This leads to a deeper connection with life, where
Ecology is not just seen as something 'out there', but something we are part
of and have a role to play in.

Two Approaches to Ecology

1.) Scientific Ecology - the study of the inter-relationships between
species and their environment.

In this approach, the relationship is of a detached observer separate from
the object of study. The focus is on measurable data 'out there', collected
by experts who know their 'facts and figures'.

2.) Deep Ecology - Experiencing ourselves as part of the living earth and
finding our role in protecting the planet.

In this approach, the relationship is more of an involved participant, who
feels connected with and part of the world around them. This is for
everybody, not just experts, each being moved by our values, experiences and
feelings to do our bit for the world around us.



The central idea of Deep Ecology is that we are part of the earth, rather
than apart and separate from it.

This idea is in contrast to the dominant individualism of our culture, where
seeing ourselves as separate from our world makes it easier not to be
bothered by what's happening in it.

This century, two key ideas have emerged out of scientific thinking that
support the view of ourselves as part of the earth. The first idea comes
from Systems Theory and the second idea is called Gaia Theory.

Systems Theory sees our world in terms of 'systems', where each system is a
'whole' that is more than the sum of its parts, but also itself a 'part' of
larger systems. For example, a cell is more than just a pile of molecules
and itself is a part of larger systems eg. an organ. An organ is on one
level a whole in itself, but on another, it is a part of a system at the
level of an individual person. A family and a community can both be seen as
'systems' where the 'parts' are people.

Gaia Theory takes this idea further and applies it to the whole
planet. All of life on earth can be seen as whole that is more than the sum
of its parts, this whole being like a huge super-organism that we call
'Gaia' (after the name for the ancient Greek goddess of the earth). Living
systems have a tendency to keep themselves in balance but also to adapt and
evolve over time. Scientists have found that the earth also has these
tendencies, with feedback mechanisms to 'keep in balance' the temperature
and oxygen levels of the atmosphere, just as our bodies maintain the
temperature and oxygen levels in our arteries.

Gaia Theory is simply stating that the earth is alive and that we are part
of it. This is something that many cultures have known for centuries.

"We are part of the earth and it is part of us"
From Chief Seattle's speech, possibly spoken in North America, 1854.


Facing the scale of social and ecological crisis in our world can leave us
feeling numbed, overwhelmed and powerless. Yet there is often little place
for such feelings in conventional politics or in our society at large. The
dominant response is to deny or distract ourselves from any uncomfortable
feelings about the state of the world, and to carry on with 'business as

If we see ourselves as part of the world, it becomes possible to see that
such uncomfortable feelings may serve a valuable function. Just as it hurts
when we put our finger over a flame, 'pain for the world' alerts us to the
injuries of our world and can move us to respond. Allowing ourselves to feel
for our world also opens us to a source of energy and aliveness, and a
strength that comes from connection to something more than just our narrow


Spirituality is to do with our inner sense of connection with something
larger than ourselves and with our relationship with what we see as sacred.
This can give our lives a sense of meaning and purpose beyond material
success and those special moments where we feel that connection more deeply
can provide an important source of strength in difficult times.

If we see ourselves as part of the 'Tree of Life' - the interconnected web
of beings we call Gaia, then a Deep Ecological approach to spirituality
might emphasise our relationship with this larger whole. We may look at life
itself as being sacred, and see the possibility of the larger force of life
acting through us in our work for earth recovery. This 'life-centred
spirituality' can be an important source of inspiration to face and respond
to the problems of our world.


When we integrate our beliefs, ideas and values into our behaviour, we bring
them alive and give them the power to influence our world. If we see
ourselves as separate from the world, it is easy to dismiss our actions as
irrelevant or unlikely to make any difference. Yet from the Deep Ecology
perspective, we are part of the world and every choice we make will have
ripples that extend beyond us. What may seem tiny and insignificant by
itself always adds to a larger context, so that every time we act for life,
we put our weight behind the shift towards a life-sustaining culture.

Why Deep?

The term 'Deep Ecology' was first introduced by the Norwegian activist and
philosopher Arne Naess in the early 1970's, when stressing the need to move
beyond superficial responses to the social and ecological problems we face.
He proposed that we ask 'deeper questions', looking at the 'why and how' of
the way we live and seeing how this fits with our deeper beliefs, needs and
values. Asking questions like "How can I live in a way that is good for me,
other people and our planet?" may lead us to make deep changes in the way we

Deep Ecology can also be seen as part of a much wider process of questioning
of basic assumptions in our society that is leading to a new way of looking
at science, politics, healthcare, education, spirituality and many other
areas. Because this change in the way we see things is so wide ranging, it
has been called a new 'worldview'. It tends to emphasise the relationships
between different areas, bringing together personal and social change,
science and spirituality, economics and ecology. Deep Ecology applies this
new worldview to our relationship with the earth. In doing this, it
challenges deep-seated assumptions about the way we see ourselves, moving
from just seeing ourselves as 'individuals' towards also seeing ourselves as
part of the earth. This can increase both our sense of belonging in life and
our tendency to act for life.

What happens in Deep Ecology Workshops?

Deep Ecology workshops bring people together with the intention to heal our
relationship with the earth. They provide an opportunity to explore our
emotional responses to world problems and may offer 'despair and
empowerment' methods to use the energy of these emotional responses in our
work for earth recovery. The workshops introduce the Deep Ecology approach,
working with ideas, feelings, spirituality and personal action planning. We
also sometimes dance, sing, drum, meditate, use communication exercises,
offer nature connecting experiences and non-dogmatically explore the role of
ritual. These workshops have been strongly influenced by the work of Joanna
Macy, John Seed and others. They aim to deepen our sense of connection with
life and strengthen our ability to respond to world problems.

For more information about Deep Ecology workshops, contact:
The UK Experiential Deep Ecology Network by email at
(15.) If you're running Deep Ecology workshops, please send me the details
so that I can include it in the next Deep Ecology News. Copy date is
September 1st, and due to come out in early September.
(16.) Please forward this email to anyone else you think might be interested
in it. If you end up getting lots of copies, then take this as evidence that
you are very well connected!
(17). the link below is to an award being offerred for small projects which
look to:

"find practical and original solutions to environmental problems.
 An important aim of the Prize is to provide seed-funding to help
promote implementation of such ideas and solutions. The Prize consists
of an
 award of $30,000 and a medal. There will be additional awards, each of
$5,000, for the runners-up."

can this be of any help to any of you? (Thank you Sarah MP for this)
(18). Training Courses at Bishops Wood Centre 2002/2003
Bishops Wood is now an established centre for short courses that challenge,
inspire and help people see the world anew. Here's some examples of what
they have to offer.

OAn Introduction to Leading School Groups in Environmental Activities with
Primary School Groupsı    July 8th
Trainer/Tutors:  Jon Cree ­ Trainer at Bishops Wood
Full Cost:  £95     Reduced Cost:  £75

An Introduction to Storytelling in the Environment
24th-25th September
Trainer/Tutor: Ben Haggerty
Cost:   £165      Reduced Cost:  £135

Involving Young People in Environmental Projects
October 1st-2nd
This two-day course will examine what motivates young people, outside the
formal education system and how to involve them in environmental activities
and initiatives such as Agenda 21.  It is aimed at environmental
professionals, community development personnel and youth workers.  It will
look at a number of approaches, including working partnerships between
environmental and youth organisations (particularly the role of the new
national youth work development), use of environmental arts in youth work
(there will be a chance to record your own Oenvironmental musicı!),
practical conservation and more! Course Trainers/Tutors: Jon Cree,  and Jill
Full Cost:  £200    Reduced Cost:  £170

For further details please contact Jon Cree or Clare Blount at Training
Courses 2002/2003:-
Bishops Wood Centre, Crossway Green, Stourport, Worcestershire. DY13 9SE
Or telephone them on 01299 250513 or fax us on 01299 250131 or e-mail on or visit their web site at
(19) Chris Bowles next workshop is called "Cauldron of Inspiration" and will
be happening at the Pierian Centre in Bristol on Saturday 29th June. The
Pierian Centre is a brand new location dedicated to 'Inner Strength for the
Outer World', it's a beautiful space
Phone: 0117 9245248/07967 628745
(20) Beyond Anthropocentrism - 16th ­17th July 2002 Queenıs Building,
University of Exeter - an international conference with lots of interesting
speakers and workshops (including Hilary Prentice, Vivienne Cato and others
involved in the ecopsychology and deep ecology networks). The themes
explored include environmental philosophy and Gaia stuff. Contact
David Berridge  by email at
DRINKING WATER. You may be familiar with the website set up by Thames Water
associated with Water Aid. There is now a new target: Thames Water and will
donate another 50,000 pounds (which will provide safe drinking water for
life to 4,600 people in Africa and Asia) if they have another 4,000,000
visitors to the site. There are only a few more weeks left and 200,000 more
clicks are still required to meet the target.
It only takes a few seconds to visit the site and click on the 'Click Here"
message at: <>
Please pass this email on to as many as people as you know.
(22) Another email action -
Dear All,

A network member attended a talk in London few weeks ago given by Asako
Obata from Hiroshima Japan, a representative of the Mount Futaba
Preservation Association. She talked of her groups attempts to oppose the
construction of two tunnels underneath the mountain which would threaten the
mountains ecosystem, particualrly its many fragile Shiribukagashi trees.
She requested support from the people in UK. She also mentioned that
pressure from outside Japan has a noticeable effect on the policy makers
there. Please cut, copy and send the message below to the mayor with your
name. It is advised not to forward the message as it will make the e-mail
very long.
Please also send this message to others.
>To Mayor of Hiroshima E-mail address; ""
>Dear Sir;
>I strongly oppose the proposal for the construction of two tunnels through
>Mt. Futaba which hosts one of  the largest concentration of Shiribukagashi
>trees in the world.
>These trees are considered to be susceptible to environmental changes by
>the nature preserve organizations in Japan who already listed
>Shiribukagashi trees as requiring urgent preservation in the red data
>gazetteer issued by these organizations.
>It is also known that this plant rarely forms a community and only few
>communities are left in southeast of Japan, Taiwan and southern China.
>We urgently request your support for the preservation of this forest by not
>allowing the construction of the tunnels to go ahead.
>Faithfully yours
>(Your name xxxxx), UK
(23) This weekend 14th-16th June, Hereford "Soil, Soul, Society" National
Conference on Sustainability, 3 days of top notch speakers including
Jonathon Porritt, Satish Kumar,Elaine Brook, Paul Swatridge and others. Plus
workshops in the afternoons, and music and poetry in the evening (come see
The Dreambeat play on Friday evening) Booking £150 residential, £100
camping, £60 non-residential, for info phone 0800 0138446 or email
(24) Copy date for next Deep Ecology News is September 1st 2002. Please let
me know about Deep Ecology or related workshops or events, ideally just
about seven or eight lines of brief essential information and contact
details. Contact Chris at

(25) For details of Joanna Macyıs workshops and also information about her
work, check out her website at
She is doing the following workshops this year in Europe -

July 27-28, 2002 Wolfenbuttel, Germany, Talk & Wkshp on Nuclear
Guardianship, at nuclear repository  contact Johannes Philipp,

August 5-15, 2002 Freiburg, Germany, Intensive in The Work That Reconnects
Apply to Rolf Param, 49-7634-35678;

August 18-21, 2002 Teufen, Switzerland Deep Ecology workshop
Contact Ursula Frischknecht-Tobler,
(26) Cornwall Deep Ecology workshops
A weekend of Experiential Deep Ecology led by Hilary Prentice
6pm Friday 12th July ­ 5pm Sunday 14th July 2002
Cost : unwaged £30, waged £60
For more information contact Mark Russell on
01736-331107 or
See flyer on attachment.
Happy solstice very soon!
From Chris at