By Amy Kohler
Held in Asheville, NC on 3 consecutive Tues. evenings from 6:30pm - 8:30 July
This Council of All Beings was offered by Patricia Guthmann Haresch, an
Intern currently in the Seminary and a summer minister at the Unitarian
Church in Asheville.
She shared with us that her first experience with the Council of All Beings
at a women's retreat at a UU Church in Minneasota. She also has been a
part of a Sacred Council for all ages as a part of a church retreat where
she said the children made incredible masks and were very open to the work.
When asked why she wanted to offer a Council of All Beings now she said that
a lot
of people resonate with bringing creation spirituality into religion if it
offered in a way that is experiential.
This Council of All Beings was a moving experience for all participants.
were a common occurence. A deeper and deeper heart connection with the
developed as the group heard the words of Chief Seattle, read lists of
species, participated in meditations and had thoughtful conversations. The
culminated in The Council which was held the last evening after a serious
mask making session.
In attendance at this council were trees, the stream behind the church,
that which can
not be seen deep in the ocean, snake, river otter, and cardinal. It was a
experience. The humans in attendance came away with renewed understanding
and commitment.