From: "Chris Johnstone" <>
To: "DE News 6" <>; "DE News 7" <>
Subject: Deep Ecology News - Sept 2002
Date: Thursday, August 29, 2002 2:20 PM

Dear People,

I'm sending out this September edition of Deep Ecology news slightly early,
because there's some things going on in early September that I'd like to
tell you about. This newsletter aims to come out four times a year to inform
people about Deep Ecology workshops happening in the UK. If there's anything
that's not in this newsletter that should be, please email me before Sept
7th, so that I can include it in a Part two if it's needed.

As you can see, there are just a few things this time. I'm very busy, and so
only have time to pass on brief details about Deep Ecology related events.
If there is someone who would be interested in (and can commit to) taking on
producing this email news circular four times a year, please do get in touch
with me, as I'd be quite keen to pass this responsibility on. It could be
kept in its current very brief format, or if you have energy and enthusiasm
you might like to turn it into something more comprehensive. Email or ring
me if you're interested (tel 0117 9441078)

Please pass this email on to anyone else you think might be interested in

Many thanks 

Chris Johnstone
For UK Deep Ecology Network.
1.) ³The Great Turning²
- Moving from Despair to Empowerment in the Face of Environmental Crisis

A four-session course in Ascot on Saturdays 7th Sept., 5th Oct.,
2nd Nov., 30th Nov., 11am-5pm

The facilitators are Jenny Joyce and Anne Yarwood, both experienced group
leaders and counsellors. Artists Jenny Parks and Alison Adcock will be
co-leading the group on 5th October.
Venue: Constables, Windsor Road, Ascot, SL5 7LF
Cost - £40 each day, (£20 deposit payable on booking, balance on the day.)
The course must be taken as a whole as each session follows on from the one

To book or for more information
call Jenny on 01249 817283 or Anne on 01344 621167
(2) EMBODIMENT- environmental work
September 14/15 West Dorset £70.00
Move into Life workshop module created by Sandra Reeve for an ecopsychology
playback theatre group.

This workshop is to provide intensive work for the body structure in
relation to physical space and to develop more attunement between moving
bodies in space.

T: 01297 560511
(3) Oct 5th - 8th, Deep Ecology Workshop at Schumacher College
Details to be announced, contact The Gaia Network for updates
Led by Roger Deakin and Freya Matthews
"This course reviews the philosophies that underlie the controlling,
reshaping impulses at work in modern life and considers the possibilities
for a new philosophical orientation. Working through direct experience in
the field as well as through theory, the course will involve the physical
exploration of Dartmoor and its rivers, where nature and culture are
intimately inter-layered and associated"
October 6th-25th 2002, Schumacher College, Dartington, Devon, UK
For details of this and other courses at Schumacher College, contact
(5) Advance notice, Joanna Macy will be doing some workshops in Europe next
year, including a facilitator training in Spain. For details of courses she
is running (much recommended), see her web site at
Her site is well worth looking at anyway.
(6.) The Gaia Network aims to promote understanding of Gaia Theory and its
implications. They ask for an annual donation of £60 to join. For more
details contact:
(7.) check out the website at
This web site contains updated information on what the Peoples' Earth
Summit is about and how you can get involved.
(8.) Can you pass any Deep Ecology related books to an eco-center in the
Czech Republic? I received this letter - can anyone help? Please reply

Dear Mr. Johnstone,
my name is Dana Stursova and I got your e-mail address from John Seed whom I
met at Schumacher College. Our group of participants of the course of
ecopsychology there stays in a close contact and I am very happy that I
could meet people like John and Ruth and many others.
I gathered few people in order to establish an eco-center at the outskirts
of Praha (Czech Republic, Europe) few years ago and it has been working to
the benefit of nature and young generations since. Our work is based mainly
on volunteers since ecological activities do not usually receive much
financial support. We all are hoping at better times with the new Minister
of the Environment.

Thanks to generosity of some British participants of the course, I could
bring few books about Deep Ecology with me to the Czech Republic. They form
the basic element of Deep Ecology library at our eco-center. The library,
which now consists of 20 English books, will serve to students of human
ecology, ecological ethics and other subjects and to other people interested
in the issue. I would like to find out possibilities of getting more books
of this type (it may be used books) to Praha through various universities,
institutes, libraries etc. I would highly appreciate your advice if you can
see any possible way how to manage this.

Yours sincerely,

Dana Stursova

Petırkova 1948
PRAHA 4, 148 00
Czech Republic
(9.) There may be another part to this newsletter coming out in about a week
if people send me other information that they think would have usefully been
in this newsletter. Otherwise, next final copy date is December 1st for
December edition.


"The Great Turning"



Moving from Despair to Empowerment in the Face of Environmental Crisis




A four-session course in Ascot on Saturdays 7th Sept., 5th Oct.,

2nd Nov., 30th Nov., 11am-5pm



Being aware in today’s world means being aware of unprecedented human suffering and environmental damage. How can we live with this knowledge without feeling overwhelmed? Where do we find the courage and wisdom to face the reality of this time, and how do we know what to do? The Deep Ecology work of Joanna Macy, internationally remowned activist and environmental spiritual teacher, helps us find ways to reframe our inner responses to world crisis so that we find our own answers to these questions.


By taking part in this four-session course, you will be joining a global reaction to the threat to our environment. Millions of people all over the world are together working in small groups, making a vital difference. This is a holistic approach to world problems. It brings together thinking and understanding, exploring and expressing feelings, experiencing our spiritual connectedness with all of life, and finding practical ways to be part of the move for change towards a sustainable future - to be part of "The Great Turning".


The facilitators are Jenny Joyce and Anne Yarwood, both experienced group leaders and counsellors. Artists Jenny Parks and Alison Adcock will be co-leading the group on 5th October.

Venue: Constables, Windsor Road, Ascot, SL5 7LF

Cost - £40 each day, (£20 deposit payable on booking, balance on the day.) The course must be taken as a whole as each session follows on from the one before.



To book or for more information

call Jenny on 01249 817283 or Anne on 01344 621167







EMBODIMENT- environmental work

September 14/15 West Dorset £70.00

Body in movement

Meets physical fact of the environment.

The environment and I recognise

Each other.

I am not just using the land for myself.

I am in relation with the land.

The body is in relation.

Unavoidable meeting.

Move into Life workshop module created by Sandra Reeve for an ecopsychology playback theatre group.

This workshop is to provide intensive work for the body structure in relation to physical space and to develop more attunement between moving bodies in space.

Groundtruce Eco-Playback Theatre:

"Our abuse of the natural world, upon which we depend for survival, has fundamental effects on our mental, emotional and spiritual health.

The environmental crisis we are living through forces us, as therapists, to reappraise where our responsibilities lie in terms of facilitating healing and change."

"The form, art and ritual of playback theatre seems to us to be a profoundly creative and generous medium in which to explore our relationship as humans with the earth: to create a space where people's stories can be explored and co-created in ways that allow us all to access our awareness of this relationship and explore the feelings and thoughts it evokes."

"The possibility of working with body in relation to landscape seems to be an ideal way to meet these needs and to 'root' it inside a deeper sense of connectedness to the earth-body."

If you work in a similar field and would like to participate, please ring for further information:

T: 01297 560511
