Dragon Council of All Beings

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrian Harris" <adrian@gn.apc.org>
To: <JOHNSEED1@OZEMAIL.COM.AU>; <ruthr@ozemail.com.au>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 5:03 AM
Subject: Dragon Council of All Beings

Dear friends,

the full report on the Dragon Council of All Beings is now online:

The camp followed the classic Deep Ecology Council of All Beings workshop
program, but with an added ingredient - We used shamanic techniques to
deepen the experience and enhance our connection with the more-than-human
world. To my knowledge, no Council has been done quite this way before,
though we are sure many indigenous peoples have done very similar work for

I'd be very interested to hear of other Councils that used similar techniques.

Our intent was more than speaking on behalf of another -this was a meeting
of animal and nature spirits speaking through us. To honour this
development of the original concept we recorded the Councils' words and
offer them to the wider community for comment and debate.

With very best wishes,
Adrian Harris