The GreenMatrix Dance is an exploration into our connection with the web of life via the dimensions of Tribe, Art, Logic and Passion. A specific animal or plant is chosen by each dancer to be their guide in each of the four movements/directions of this “cross-cultural” dialogue with nature. This contemplative dance form is a means of bridging beyond the realm of our ordinary experience to reach out to other life forms with the intention of discovering tools to empower our lives and help protect our Planet.
SAT. Jan 15, 7:30-9:30, the Solstice Institute, 302 Pearl St. BOULDER CO
It is important to come on time. Donation: $10.
Contact: Zia Parker, 303-440-0973, Stele Ely 303-818-5199

The GreenMatrix Dance is a sister-project of the GreenMatrix and the Earth Citizens Accord (text version below). To participate in the accord see or

~~ For All The Life That Loves To Live And Lives To Love ~~
Seeking an accord of 1,000,000 citizen signers by 2007.

citizen's name/ date

TRIBE % | | | | | | | | | | | | |
My goal is to dedicate 1% or more of my time* [1.5 hours] and/or net income* every month to my environmental Tribes that directly benefit our planet such as non-profit environmental organizations, project teams and groups.
• It is more important than ever for those who love the planet to leverage their talents with other people in the environmental Tribes, teams and non-profit organizations that represent their philosophies and ethics. • Environmental tribes/organizations are especially important in these times when corporate "tribes" are wielding such excess influence.

ART % | | | | | | | | | | | | |
My goal is to dedicate 1% or more of my time* every month to create Art and artful grassroots communications that informs others of important environmental issues and actions.
• As lovers of the planet, it is a crucial that we each tap into our emotions, wit and creativity to power up the various grassroots Art and media forms that we have access to. • If developed as an Art, even the most humble conversations, emails, editorials, signs, music, video, radio, and other grassroots media can become powerful motivators. [Corporations' primary tool in selling materialism is through witty and sensual art.]

LOGIC % | | | | | | | | | | | | |
My goal is make 1% or more of my consumer purchases and life-style decisions based on Logic, ecology and science for the protection of our planet.
• Using Logic and ecology to make Earth friendly day-to-day decisions can be a beautiful exploration into how each of our actions benefit or hurt life-forms and other people around the world. • Eco-Logic is relevant to the numerous choices we make at home, at play and at work relating to consumer and business products, services, and transportation.

PASSION % | | | | | | | | | | | | |
My goal is to dedicate 1% or more of my time* to explore the universal Passion that exists within our planet's web-of-life via my own physical, mental and spiritual journeys into it.
• Time in nature, nature literature/poetry, meditation, prayer and life science studies can help one connect to the river of Passion that flows towards and from those who explore their relationship with all life that loves to live, and lives to love on our planet. Consumeristic distraction, excess and destruction insulate us from this deep and beautiful Passion.

*Formulas: Time contributions are calculated by dividing the number of hours given per month by a baseline work-month average of 150 hours. Therefore, every 1.5 hours of volunteer time per month equals 1% of one's work time. Net income contribution percentages equal the monthly dollar contribution divided by one's monthly net income before taxes. Monthly percentages/scores or check marks may be entered into the four matrix-tables above each section.


GreenMatrix Planet Dance

The GreenMatrix Dance is an exploration into our connection with the web of life via the dimensions of Tribe, Art, Logic and Passion. Participants link up with an animal, plant or element for a “cross-cultural” dialogue via movement. This contemplative dance form is a means of bridging beyond the realm of our ordinary experience to reach out to other life forms with the intention of protecting our Planet and empowering our lives.

Facilitated by Zia Parker and Stele Ely

Comments from participants:
“I felt myself as the flow of life. Because the flow of life can go anywhere-- into the sap of a tree, an artist's paint brush, the melody line in a song--I had a truly amazing experience.”

“In dancing the Raven, I felt both a strong sense of “tribe” with the other ravens, and a strong sense of self, being able to direct myself exactly where I wanted to go with the power of flight. I had a visceral experience of being able to access other dimensions, and information that can help us be better guardians of our precious Earth. I can still feel it in my body. Thank you!”

“I danced the juniper. The primary gift was a strong sense of independence, yet interconnectedness. I was very happy just being rooted in the soil, with all the life, circulating around me and in me. I didn’t need to go anywhere or “do” anything, just enjoy my own presence. Then, from my sense of presence, my being produced berries. Berries! What a joy!”

“As an elephant, I was aware of what a big impression my massive body makes on the landscape. Even my footprint creates an eco-niche for other life-forms to inhabit. Birds came to eat other life-forms on my back. It reminded me how much we human-beings also are constantly making an impression on the environment around us, and how important it is to be always mindful.”