For the Earth

These are  newsletters  networking material among practitioners of the  Council of All Beings and other deep ecology experiential workshops. We used to call this newsletter "The Web" but since that name was stolen by the World Wide, we decided on "The Web of Life". Please send submissions to  "The Web of Life" to

We hope to scan in Webs 3 & 4 before the end of 2002


Web #1                         May 1991

Web #2                          July 1992

Web #5                          September 1998

Web #6                          August 2000

WEB: A Practitioner’s Newsletter - First Edition,  May 1991

Editor’s Note: This is only a smattering of all the wonderful letters and ideas and reflections that have come in. Please excuse my liberal editing to get this down to size. But be assured that folks like you are doing courageous and creative work with Councils all over this dear Earth!

~ Kay Grindland, Econet: firesong


A letter from John Seed

Reflections on Councils

Councils and Actions

Processes for Councils

Councils with Youth


Poems and songs


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The Web #2 - July, 1992

Contents: (click the link above for the text)


Earthprayer (poem)

Letter from John Seed

Deep Ecology Networks

When We Hurt The Earth Quakes (poem)


Reflections on Councils

Council Processes

Re-Earthing in a Malaysian Jail

Earthing Retreat

Re-Gendering/Re-Genderation on Earth

Letters from Gaia


Council Theatre

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