International Water Day
Wednesday 22 March 2006
Talking Cyanide
Today twentyfive Lake Cowal activists converged on Hyde Park
today for
International Water Day.
Supported by Greens MLC, Lee Rhiannon, Cyanide Watch,
Friends of the Earth
and Lake Cowal local Wiradjuri man, Steven Coe, they raised
banners and
flags in Hyde Park and outside the office of the NSW
Minister for Natural
With colour and PA, they made their presence felt and
demanded the NSW
government release information about route that the trucks
will take
carrying cyanide to the Barrick Gold mine at Lake Cowal near
West Wyalong
in central NSW from the manufacturing plant in Gladstone,
Queensland -
6090 tonnes a year for 13 years.
ÒThe government has to come clean with this information.
This cyanide
transportation is not a one off event. The mine has a life
of 13 years and
will consume more than 80,000 tones of sodium cyanide,ä
stated Lee
ÒCitizens have a right to know the scale and the nature of
the hazard
their government has exposed them too,Ó said Graeme Dunstan
of Cyanide
Watch. ÒThe refusal of the Iemma government to release the
details of
their approval for the cyanide transport is a case of
government by the
corporation for the corporation.Ó
Barrick Gold, a Toronto based multi-national, will start up
its Lake Cowal
mine on 27 March and they are already carting cyanide.
The NSW government has also granted licenses to Barrick to
pump and
permanently poison up to 3659 mega litres of water a year
for 13 years
Many environmental groups and local Wirdjuri elders are
deeply concerned
about the ecological impacts of this vast pollution of water
by cyanide
leach mining on ground water, the native flora and fauna and
The action was part of the growing campaign to protect Lake
Cowal and to
ban cyanide gold mining forever.
Come Easter, 14-17 April, Wiradjuri Traditional Owners and
local community
will be hosting a Corroboree for Lake Cowal activists
outside the mine
gates at the Lake. Supporters will be coming from all around
the country.
For more information:
Natalie Lowrey
0431 194 083
Graeme Dunstan
0407 951 688
Further Information: