February 12 2002
Friends, here is a proposal from Anja for the Expo-Conference 2002 - Living Cultures for Sustainable Development. Please consider helping to fund this (the Rainforest Information Centre in Australia is getting the ball rolling with a US$1000) or passing it on to potential funders,
for the Earth
John Seed
Project Title:
Expo-Conference 2002 - Living Cultures for Sustainable Development.
Incorporating the 3rd International Sustainable Coffee Conference, Fair Trade, Eco-tourism and ecological alternatives.
Cotacachi and Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador, September 2002 -
This conference and exposition is intended to showcase the concrete example of sustainable (organic, fair trade) coffee production among a range of ecological and socially just alternatives intended to help pave the way to a sustainable future on a local, national and international level. A two day exposition and conference will take place both in Cotacachi (2 hours north of Quito) and Bahia de Caraquez (on the mid coast) in Ecuador in September 2002.
The two conference and expo sites represent a large part of the unique biodiversity and cultural diversity of Ecuador. Cotacachi contains some of the greatest and most precious biodiversity on the planet and Bahia is endowed with mangroves, dry tropical forest and coastal ecosystems. Both municipalities have declared their towns as ´ecological´, are led by nationally recognised young and dynamic leaders and have offered their full support to this initiative.
Understanding that environmental protection will be unlikely to succeed without an intergrated conservation and development approach, events will feature organic-fair trade and community ecotourism as feasible options for income production without destructive environmental impact. Alternatives intended to raise the quality of life with minimal economic input will also be displayed.
Lessons learnt and networks developed in organising a highly successful alternative development expo that took place in Cotacachi in April 2000 and saw the particiation of 40 NGOs from 5 regions of Ecuador, will provide the base to organise even more extensive and empowering events for September 2002.
This proposal seeks financial support for organising costs within Ecuador. Sponsorship for international presenters and translators will be sought with the aid of NGOs in Japan.
Project Aims;
2) Background.
The decision to hold the 3rd international sustainable (organic, fair trade) coffee conference in Cotacachi, Ecuador was made following the 2nd conference in Brazil in 2000. In the process of the international discussion on global organic, fair trade it has become apparent that we need something that goes beyond these definitions and approaches a system that actively sets out to protect nature along with meeting legitimate development aspirations of local peoples. For this reason we are introducing the term ´sustainable´ coffee in this conference.
The previous organic coffee conferences have taken place in Japan (1998) and Brazil (2000) and have seen the participation of many international representatives. The initiator and main organiser, Ryuichi Nakamura, is the pioneer of trading organic coffee into Japan and he and his company (Organic coffee Japan) will once again play a major role in organising the event.
The conference and expo will coincide with the People´s Assembly of Cotacachi, an annual event that forms the basis of the participatory democracy of the County of Cotacachi, more about which is described below.
A second conference and expo will also take place in the Eco-City of Bahia De Caraquez on the coast of Ecuador immediately following the events in Cotacachi. In this case the focus will be on the world first example of a certified organic shrimp farm, modeled on permaculture principles and eco-tourism. Fair trade and other alternative development options will also be highlighted in events in Bahia.
Cotacachi Background
Cotacachi is a region (Canton) and town located in the Andean north of Ecuador whose communities (indigenous, mestizo and afroecuatorian) have been actively involved in a participatory democratic process initiated by their indigenous Mayor, Auki Tituana Males.
The county of 1809 km2, contains extremely threatened ecosystems - according to E.O. Wilson, it has two of the world´s 25 threatened hot spots of biodiversity on the planet. The rate of plant diversity and forest destruction in these areas far surpasses those of the Ecuadorean Amazon.
The process of colonisation has had the greatest impact on natural systems to date, but there is an increasing threat of exploitative industries, such as mining. Mining prospecting and exploration has already taken place in threatened cloud forest ecosystems and has been backed by Japanese ODA and the World Bank. This has typically taken place without the participation or support of the communities involved.
Communities in Cotacachi have actively sought and initiated alternatives to destructive development. One great success in this endeavour is the marketing of organic, shade grown coffee through a cooperative with more than 300 member families. Exports to Japan have already provided a solid alternative income generating option to the extremely poor communities in the Intag region of Cotacachi.
Through the participatory political process, the people of Cotacachi have unanimously voted for the region to be declared a 'Canton Ecologico', have passed stringent ecological ordinances and initiated projects that promote the Canton Ecologico on both a local and international level. These environmental ordinances lay the foundation of a legal mechanism to protect the County´s natural resources and support the creation of a sustainable society in Cotacachi by guiding an integrated conservation and management plan that benefits communities and nature.
The area of Cotacachi, due to its advanced social and ecological awareness, is an ideal model area for development systems that are ecologically and socially benign. We are proposing to showcase cutting edge initiatives from around the world to inspire and empower not only local communities, but guests from other parts of Ecuador and the world.
Bahia Background
Bahia de Caraquez, on the mid-coast of Ecuador, is unique in its development as an eco-city out of the debris of two formidable environmental disasters. T
he 1998 El Niño phenomenon left Bahia severely affected by torrential rains and mudslides (exacerbated by deforestation and unsustainable land use practices), leaving the town isolated and without basic services and food supplies. Shortly after, the town was struck by an earthquake measuring 7.2 on the richter scale. Many buildings fell to the ground and almost all were severely damaged.Local residents and politicians, with the support of international environmental groups, decided to reconstruct the popular seaside resort town in an environmentally sensitive way and in 1999 the Bahia was declared an ecocity. Thanks to the important activities of various groups and individuals already working with eco-projects this had an excellent head start. Paper recycling, organic waste recycling, permaculture and reforestation efforts that were already taking place were augmented by new projects. Current activities now include:
Many future projects are planned and the conference and expo will be an excellent opportunity to promote support for these important initiatives.
3) Proposed participating organisations and individuals (partial and proposed lists):
Executive Committee:
Ec. Auki Tituana (Mayor of Cotacachi), Dra. Patricia Espinoza (President of
People's Assembly), Rafael Guitarra (President of UNORCAC), Frankie Vaca
(President of AACRI), Ryuichi Nakamura (President of Organic Cafe Japan).
Technical Committee:
Dr. Luz Marina Vega (CIS), Anja Light (CIBT, Sloth Club Japan), Fransesco
Torrigiari (UCODEP).
Cotacachi organising team:
Flor Maria Vaca, Sonja Dillman, Kaia Ambrose plus representatives of
Assembly committees and local NGO's.
Ecuador Project Coordinator: Anja Light, Rainforest Information Centre.
Cotacachi organising team, Flor Maria Vaca, Sonja Dillman, Kaia Ambrose plus representatives of various Assembly committees and local NGO´s.
Bahia Organising team, Nicola Mears, Marcelo Luque, Flor Maria Dueno, Patricio Tamariz.
Assemblea de Cotacachi, Municipality of Cotacachi, Defensa de Ecologia Y Conservacion de Intag (DECOIN), Associacion de Café Culturas de Intag (AACRI) Centro de Investigaciones de Los Bosques Tropicales (CIBT), Union de Organiziciones Campesinas e Indigenas de Cotacachi (UNORCAC), Federation of Barrios of Cotacachi, ,
Bahia; Municipality of Canton Sucre, Foundation Stuarium, Club Ceiba
Quito: Camari, SINTRAL
Organic Coffee Japan, Sloth Club Japan, Global Village/The Fair Trade Company Japan, Planet Drum Foundation, Rainbow Power Company (Australia), Earth Steward Institute (Japan), Permaculture Institute Japan and Australia, Sane, International Life and Food Organisation (ILFA).
4) Activities:
Organising areas:
Cotacachi Proposed basic program:
Day One
Peoples Assembly
Opening Ceremony (Plenary)
Day Two
Presentation based events.
SUSTAINABLE COFFEE , Case studies from Rio Intag, Brazil, Mexico, Japan.
FAIR TRADE including Organic Production ,
Day Three
Workshop based events.
CANTON ECOLOGICO – Displaying examples of eco-cities, discussing implications of environmental ordinances, green politics.
LETS (SINTRAL), Permaculture, Community Seed Banks, Recycling Waste, Native Tree Reforestation, Promoting nutrition and ecological health, Renewable energy, education.
5) Time Line:
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
June |
July |
Aug |
September (event after mid Sept) |
Visit of Keibo Oiwa, Japanese representative. |
Organising meetings (every two weeks for main group) |
Fundraising local, national, international |
Networking local, national, international |
Book accomodation |
Arrange catering Book stands |
Design and produce introductory pamphlet |
Design and produce poster |
Finalise program and participants |
Printing conference materials Design and produce program |
Publicity and Promotion |
Follow up – producing conference booklet and .preparing proposals for related projects, evaluation) |