Child of Murray Island, jewel of the
Coral Sea, Eddie Koiki Mabo took his fight for land rights to the highest
court of Australia. As a result of his long struggle the concept of "terra
nullius" or vacant land, ("there was no one at home when I took the purse")
the conqueror’s excuse for denying land rights to the aboriginal population,
was overthrown. After 200 years of occupation the presence of the indigenous
people who had lived on this continent for 40.000 years was acknowledged.
Their right to land has been established. The tide has now changed. Let
true reconciliation be achieved in our hearts. When will a treaty be signed?
This recording is the result of a
Brazilian - Australian collaboration. Whilst on tour in Brazil, my friend
and ex-band member & brother-in-arms, Chico Amaral, famed in Brazil
as the song writer, saxophonist and horn arranger for number 1 band Skank,
took a liking to this song and offered to write a horn arrangement and
play the flutes and saxes. He brought in the horn section of Skank. Ruben
De Souza provided the rhythm section and all this was recorded over 2 days
in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Stage 2 took plays at Troy Horse studios
in Sydney, where Matty Doyle added his didgeridoo mastery, members from
the Voices from the Vacant Lot sang along, and Torres strait islander Lama
Pinao Ghee recited his eulogy for Eddie in language:
Koiki abi tebud ira bi dali
Koiki a light for his people
Ikweiredi au kela kela ares leisa,
ares ge
Standing strong like a warrior in battle
Aseserdi tabara debe ged, abi omaskir
im a yabi nosik im
Protecting his
beautiful land for his children and their children
Ged ira gelar au kela kela ike
Mer land laws stand strong
E au kela kela ares le Dali
He is a strong fighting man
When Captain Cook came to Australia
he named it vacant land
Terra Nullius was the word for robbery
And so a country was built on a
‘till there was one man who took
a brave stand
Mabo Mabo
Eddie Koiki Mabo For
30 years he struggled, his wife Nettie by his side
She was the flame of his Murray
island home
They spied, they tried, denied his
But now they fear him when we all
cheer him Eddie faced
the Queensland state, the government of the land
Lawyers, guns nor money, could hold
Eddie back
He fought from nowhere to the highest
He used the law to open the door Eddie
died before he saw his precious dream come true
He took his last breath in his darling
Nettie’s arms
Five months went by ‘till the judges
That even a black man has rights
to his own land
Mabo MABO Mabo
Eddie Koiki Mabo They
defaced his grave, they spread lies, they made a 10-point plan
“Nothing for the mob and everything
for the man”
But truth ‘s not decided by democracy
If justice is fairness why not share
it with us?
Mabo MABO Mabo
He gave the people the people inspiration
To end racial discrimination MABO
Justice, reconciliation MABO
He is the hero of our generation
Eddie Koiki Mabo Carl
Cleves: lead vocal & guitar
Parissa Bouas: vocal
Pinao Ghee: spoken Murri eulogy
Chico Amaral: flute, saxophones
and horn arrangement
Matty Doyle: didgeridoo
Ruben de Souza: programming
Joao Vianna: trumpet
Edvaldo Silva: trombone
Additional backing vocals: Matthew
Fargher, Elizabeth Newman, Simon Hudson, Mark D’Astoli
Recorded at Super Trilhos, Belo
Horizonte, Brazil & Troy Horse Studios, Sydney
Engineered by Gauguin (Brazil) &
Colin Wright (Australia)
Mixed by Colin Wright