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©1981 by Soozah Clark
Performed by Soozah & Shanto

from the tape  "Earth First!
by John Seed, Bahloo, Soozah and friends 

2nd  Track:  The Water Song  by Shanto

"Song-writing is another form of story-telling and often the best stories are the ones where history is made. For me, there was a strong sense of history-in-the-making in the dramatic days of the protests at Mt Nardi and in the Land and Environment Court case that followed. The desire to record something of the story of that time was the impetus behind the writing of the Ballad." 

The Ballad of Mount Nardi
                                                   c Soozah Clark, Brenda Liddard, 1981

       Em                                              Am
The odds were all against them as they stood before the bulldozer
Em                                B7
Strong in their belief in the power of the trees
              Em                               Am
But the might of a state that cared little for the forest
        Em                                      B7         Em
Was armed with a coppers gun and public apathy

Policemen blocked the roadway, to stop the crowd from growing
And to cut the food supply lines just like it was a war
They called the people criminals, dragged them off to court
And a waking public conscience saw it all, and asked "What for?"

Am                                                      Em
Four o'clock on a Wednesday morn was the final hour when the lines were drawn
B7                                              Em
Flesh and bone could little do in the face of iron and steel
Am                                                             Em
Though by stealth the crowd had grown, they watched as if they'd always known
B7                                                                 Em
nought could stop the bulldozer lumbering, up that hill

Some among the group had thought "We'll challenge this before a court
to see if legal argument can help us have a say."
With lawyers, judges and the rest, they put the system to the test
And found the common people can still fight, and win the day

See, the tide has turned somehow, rest a little calmer now
Have yourselves some warmth and love, let the good times flow
Though the battle still goes on, the Nightcap Park is safely won
From profiteers who'll one day learn you reap, just what you sow
Politicians everywhere, listen and become aware
Nothing now can interfere, in the power of the trees