The Rainforest Information Centre  

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© Carl Pannuzzo

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RHGB: "Australia is a non-profit collective aiming to inspire people to action on the myriad of issues surrounding the current proliferation of the nuclear industry in Australia as exemplified by the travesty of developing the Jabiluka uranium mine in Kakadu National park. Featuring some of Melbourne's finest Koori and supporting musicians, this forty piece choir expresses the sentiments of the majority of Australians on this vital issue in the hope that an irresponsible and visionless government will hear the voice of the people and "stop Jabiluka mine".

In 1977 the Aboriginal opposition to the Ranger Uranium proposal was overridden with the words "their opposition shall not be allowed to prevail". Our people were told that the rest of Australia wanted uranium mining within Kakadu National Park. Two decades later and the voices of the Mirrar are again drowned by corporate and government ineptitude and marginalising processes. We welcome your help to spread this story before it becomes history. More...