Wednesday, September 27, 2000
CONTACT: 530-470-9546.Sierra Nevada -- Just before dawn this morning, Yuba Nation erected a "treesit" within the controversial Marsh Mill Timber Harvest Plan (THP), located north of Graniteville, California, where 2,685 acres are slated to be aggressively cut (350 clearcut).
Suspended between two old growth Sugar Pine trees on property Sierra Pacific Industries claims to own, Yuba Nation activists vow to stay perched atop the canopy of one of the few remaining islands of fragmented habitat left on the heavily impacted THP. Citing the corporation with timber theft, bribery, polluting waterways, numerous
Forest Practice Rules violations, and endangering smaller timber operations and mill owners, Yuba Nation will remain in defense of this imperiled habitat until each of the following demands of SPI is honored on behalf of the Northern goshawk, Pacific fisher, California red legged frog, California spotted owl, American marten and all old growth dependant mammals, raptorsk and amphibians known to be suffering population declines:
1. Halt all logging in Marsh Mill THP pending review of FPR violations.
2. Halt all clearcutting practices.
3. Halt all logging in habitats of threatened species.
4. Halt all logging of old growth.
5. Halt all logging in areas of archeological significance.
6. Halt all logging in sensitive habitats.
7. Engage in open dialog with local community.
The forest defenders tree top home can be viewed easily from the road: From Nevada City take HWY 49 towards Downieville...turn right on Tyler Foote Road....pass North Columbia...Tyler Foote turns into Cruzon Grade...follow signs to Graniteville. Pass Graniteville 2 miles.(travel time approx.1 hour from Nevada City).