Solidarity Walks
In support of the Indigenous People of Northern Thailand
An invitation to participate
Dec 28 2000 – 9 Jan 2001
In December 2000 the Spirit in Education Movement is organising another series of interfaith walks in solidarity with the struggles of the tribal people in the north of Thailand. This will be the sixth year that these walks have taken place. The intention of the walks is to bring an international and interfaith moral witness to the struggle of indigenous peoples in their efforts to evolve their sustainable way of life and to protect their sacred lands in the face of modern development.
The Walks are led by forest monks, tribal leaders and activists and over the years have become a rallying point for the Karen people. The contemplative nature of the Walks bears witness to the lives of tribal people as we join with them to listen to their stories and celebrate their culture. A few years ago when asked what they most wanted from the walks village elders replied "To have our story heard".
To bear witness is to put aside our preconceptions and experience others’ truth with an open heart and mind. Our presence and intention provides an opportunity for tribal people to reflect on and articulate values and ways of being they wish to nurture and protect and to discuss strategies for the challenges they face. This is also a chance to contemplate our own nature through experiencing the silence of the forest and the simplicity of village life.
This is a rare opportunity to experience and support the indigenous people of Siam on their terms. It is a chance to experience unique ways of bringing spirituality and social and environmental activism together in ways that celebrate traditions and the beauty of tribal people’s lives.
The tone of the walks will continue to be contemplative with daily meditation and prayer. They will start off in Chiang-mai with a one- day teaching on indigenous issues and meditation. From there we will divide into three groups and depart for separate areas. Along the way there is close contact with the local people. We stay in villagers’ houses, share their food and help with daily tasks. The terrain is often rough, hiking through jungle and camping in the forest monk "tudong" style. Towards the end there will be a 24 hour solo retreat in the forest. The Walks will culminate at Wat Luang, a mountain forest temple, for the Karen New Years Day ceremonieswhere the three groups will come together to share experiences.
Participants must be able to live with last minute changes, lack of accustomed foods and comforts, basic camping and forest homestays. There is no set daily itinerary and participants are expected to carry their own packs although if you have a physical limitation you can hire a porter. The Walks are not exceptionally strenuous and there are opportunities to rest and feel the rhythm of the life of forest dwellers.
There are three different routes, each with about 20 participants in addition to leaders and support staff. One-third of places has been reserved for Westerners, the other two-thirds for local and regional people including Thais and ethnic friends from Burma. Members from local villagers usually join from time to time.
Another event scheduled from the 8th to the 10th of December in Chiang-mai is the World Sacred Music Festival under the patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Three venues, a food festival and music from sacred religious and wisdom traditions will add to the spiritual dimension of a stay in northern Thailand.
As numbers are strictly limited places will only be offered on the basis of application or invitation. Please register your interest indicating your background and reasons for wanting to join by contacting Angela Ballard at the Spirit in Education Movement in Thailand by email, fax or post. The cost is US $500, part of which will contribute towards scholarships for regional activists and community development funds. The remainder covers the actual costs of transportation, food, registration etc. Participants are asked to arrange their own travel to and from the starting point in Chiang-mai although advice can be given if requested.
Spirit in Education Movement
PO Box 1 Ongkharak
Nakon Nayok 26120
Thailand 66 37 333 184 ph 66 37 333 183