NGOs call for mining and logging moratorium in South Kalimantan's forests
Source:, November 19, 2002
In a press statement released in Jakarta on Saturday, (November 16), 27
environmental and mining advocacy non governmental organisations (NGOs) demanded
the Indonesian government immediately impose a moratorium on all mining and
forestry (logging) activities throughout the forests of South Kalimantan. The
activists also demanded the government reject all future plans for mining and
logging activities within traditional and protected forests in the province.
Both the government and mining firms were urged to reclaim the environmentally
damaged and impacted areas caused by the activities. They also asked the
government to conduct reforestation programs to restore the forests. Current
legislation must be upheld and offenders prosecuted while respecting the
tradition and rights of local communities the statement said.
South Kalimantan is one of Indonesia's richest provinces blessed with natural
resources including the lucrative timber and mining sectors, particularly in
coal. The region has been used for years by governments, large Indonesian
companies linked to government and national security forces, and by foreign
firms, as a financial ""cash cow"" the statement asserts. To
give an idea of the natural resource potential within the province, the NGO
statement cited coal reserves in the province as at January, 1999 as 4.2 billion
tonnes, comprising 2 billion tons of proven reserves, 1.7 billion tons of
indicated reserves, and 459 million tons of probable reserves. According to
information contained in the press release, only one year later those reserves
had dropped 96% to only 153.7 million tons, comprising 75 million tons of
indicated reserve and 77 million tons of proven reserve.
In the 15 years from 1984 to 1999 about 105,445,570.44 tons of coal were
produced in the province for an average annual production of 7.7 million tons,
but there has yet to be a significant improvement in the welfare of the local
communities. Only a few people have enjoyed the benefits from the coal mining
operations while the environment has been badly degraded. Night and day heavy
equipment such as bulldozers, excavators, and dump trucks keep on working to
heavily exploit the land. People from the local communities just look at the
activities from the sidelines, suffer from ashes and dust, and enjoy nothing
from their own land's riches. One area in south east Kalimantan relatively
unspoiled is the Meratus ranges. But even here the NGOs claim there has
deteriorated. Destruction to the naturally preserved Mount Meratus as a ground
water catchments looms large in the future. The high elevation of Mount Meratus
is also critically important to preservation of top soil and prevention of
erosion, landslides, and water run-off that could cause flooding on the lower
slopes of the ranges.
Mining and logging operations over the past decade or more have degraded the
environmental quality while the traditional values and rights of local people
are ignored. This is why a number of NGOs that have a deep concern for the
environment have staged a protest to the government. Some of the 27 NGOs who
supported the press statement are the Mapala and local people, Walhi's chapter
of South Kalimantan, Yayasan SUMPIT, LMMDKS, LSM Samba, SERUNI Kalsel, GEMPUR,
LMMD HSU, YCHI, Mapala Gramenia, Mapala Justitia, and the Dayak tribe council or
Lembaga Adat Masyarakat Dayak Pitap (LAMDP).
JATAM (Jaringan Advokasi Tambang)
Mining Advocacy Network
Jl. Mampang Prapatan II No. 30
RT 04/07 -- Jakarta 12790
Tel. +62-(0)21-794 1559
Fax. +62-(0)21-791 81683