Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 08:01:08 +0900
Subject: Action Alert: Stop Destruction of Indonesian Rainforest &
From: Richard Wilcox <>

Stop Destruction of Indonesian Rainforest & Rainforest Communities
(March 09, 2003)

** joint alert from Environmental Defense and Skephi **
A mega-highway network is planned for construction through the Leuser
ecosystem rainforest in Aceh, Indonesia, and one of the earth's most
important conservation "hotspots." The Leuser ecosystem contains critically
endangered tropical wildlife, including Sumatran species of orangutan,
tiger, elephant, and the Sumatran rhino. It's home to millions of people
heavily dependent upon a well-preserved forest for survival. The provincial
government of Aceh is seeking funds from Indonesia's central government for
a destructive new road system cutting through protected areas in the Leuser
ecosystem. Local communities, Indonesian NGOs, and national and
international observers fear these roads will lead to illegal logging,
illegal settlements, abuses, great hardships for forest dependent peoples,
and the extinction of critically endangered species. Take action! Send a
message to Indonesia President Megawati Soekarnoputri asking her to cancel
the massive highway projects planned for the Leuser ecosystem.