For internet users, World Rainforest Report is now on the
World Wide Web. The Web version is called the World Wide
Rainforest Report (WWRR), and can be accessed at:
htt:// >. We plan to do plenty
more work on the site. Ultimately there will be a Rainforest
Information Centre Home Page, which as well as giving access to
WWRR, will have on offer an Ecopsychology section, a collection
of regularly updated Action Pages, a Merchandise section and
other items. The thing I find so exciting about this move is that
it means that up-to-date, attractively presented infomation about
the plight of the world's rainforests will be accessible to
millions of potential readers throughout the world. It is as if
WRR will now appear at newsagents all over the world at very
little extra cost to us -- and without the use of vast quantities
of paper. This means that the number of people capable of
responding to our Action Pages will be multiplied many times. The
paper version of the magazine -- often called the "dead
tree" version in computer circles, will continue much the
same as it always has. We know that many activists and NGOs in
Third World countries will continue to depend on WRR for
information about rainforests.
The article by Glen Barry on page 20 is a handy introduction to
how computers can be used as a powerful campaigning tool.
Sorry, still no article responding to the one by Rosalind
Reeve on timber labelling entitled "Why the FSC Will
Fail". That article appeared in WRR 31. In our last issue, I
promised to run a response in this edition. To show that we are
consistent, I am now promising to run the article in WRR 34.