On Sunday December 14, Qld Premier Mr R Borbidge will be officially opening the first stage of Keith Williams' Port Hinchinbrook development at Cardwell in north Queensland. This stage involves the sale of real estate blocks for private homes. Up here in north Queensland, we are organising the biggest action at Cardwell yet. We are hoping this will be paralleled by actions in as many cities as possible. It is important to send a message to the Qld Premier (especially in the run up to a state election) that threatening World Heriatge with coastal real estate sales in a beautiful and fragile area is not acceptable to Australians.


1. Come on holidays to beautiful north Queensland, in time to be in Cardwell on Dec 14th. For more info, contact the North Queensland Conservation Council on (077) 716226 or

2. Get a group together to organise an action in your city for Sunday 14th. See below.

3. Send a fax to the Prime Minister, the Federal Environment Minister, the Queensland Premier, and the Queensland Environment Minister on Sunday 14th and Monday 15th December. Get as many of your friends and colleagues to do the same. See below.


The Hinchinbrook campaign is running on a national level. On site, work continues, with the dredge slowly encroaching upon World Heritage Area, gouging out a passage for access to the marina basin. Direct actions occur every weekend at Cardwell, where a small number ofpeople are diligently planning events and carrying them out. Legal action is being taken at the level of the High Court, with a case to be heard next year, questioning the legality of Senator Hill's consent to go ahead with the project (again).


Following are contact details for conservation groups already working on the Hinchinbrook campaign. Getting in contact with people in these groups would be a good starting point for organising an action.

Brisbane - Laura at Queensland Conservation Council (QCC), or 07 3221 0188.

Sydney - Felicity Wade at The Wilderness Society (TWS), or 02 95522355.

Melb - Mark Horstman at the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF), or 03 9416 1166.

Adelaide - Vera Hughes at TWS, 08 231 6586. Note - an action at Hill's office would be great.

Canberra - Virginia Young at TWS, 02 6249 6491

Hobart - TWS, 03 62349366

Also, you could contact Rodrigo Gutierrez - a good student contact for this campaign. He can be found either at the National Union of Students in Sydney, TWS in Sydney, or on 0411 365 396.

Generally, you can contact David Haigh (one of the main campaigners) at or on (077) 213 297 or 814240, or contact the North Queensland Conservation Council at (or Ph 07 771 6226).


Qld Premier Rob Borbidge, fax (07) 3221 1496

Brian Littleproud, Minister for Environment, fax (07) 3221 7082

Prime Minister John Howard, fax (02) 9816 1349

Robert Hill, Minister for Environment, fax (02) 6273 4130

Some things to include in your fax:

* Let them know that threatening World Heriatge with coastal real estate sales in a beautiful and fragile area is not acceptable to Australians.

* Urge them to protect this beautiful area by halting the development and working towards rehabilitation of the site.

* Remind them that this development and the associated increase in boating traffic, will threaten Dugong, Sea turtles, Mahogony gliders, Dolphins, and Beachstone curlews. Dredging for boat access and clearing mangroves for an artificial beach will impact on seagrass beds and cause erosion. Increased visitation to Hinchinbrook Island would interfere with its wonderful wilderness values.

* This development will be a disaster for the environment, with disastrous impacts on a beautiful World Heritage Area. Don't forget your name & contact details.


Cheers, and if youUre in Melbourne, I'll see you there on Sunday Dec 14th!!! Mandy Trueman <>, JCU Union Environment Officer, Townsville.

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