How have we got to this
point, where two western governments take us into an illegal and immoral war
against a stricken nation with whom we have no quarrel and who offer us no threat:
an act of aggression opposed by almost everybody and whose charade is transparent?
How can they attack, in our name, a country already crushed by more than 12
years of an embargo aimed mostly at the civilian population, of whom 42 per
cent are children - a medieval siege that has taken the lives of at least half
a million children and is described as genocidal by the former United Nations
humanitarian coordinator for Iraq?
How can those claiming to be liberals disguise their embarrassment,
and shame, while justifying their support for George Bushs proposed launch
of 800 missiles in two days as a liberation? How can they ignore
two United Nations studies which reveal that some 500,000 people will be at
risk? Do they not hear their own echo in the words of the American general who
said famously of a Vietnamese town he had just levelled: We had to destroy
it in order to save it?
Few of us, Arthur Miller once wrote, can easily surrender
our belief that society must somehow make sense. The thought that the State
has lost its mind and is punishing so many innocent people is intolerable. And
so the evidence has to be internally denied.
These days, Millers astuteness applies to a minority of warmongers and
apologists. Since 11 September 2001, the consciousness of the majority has soared.
The word imperialism has been rescued from agitprop and returned
to common usage. Americas and Britains planned theft of the Iraqi
oilfields, following historical precedent, is well understood. The false choices
of the cold war are redundant, and people are once again stirring in their millions.
More and more of them now glimpse American power, as Mark Twain wrote, with
its banner of the Prince of Peace in one hand and its loot-basket and its butcher-knife
in the other.
What is heartening is the apparent demise of anti-Americanism as
a respectable means of stifling recognition and analysis of American Imperialism.
Intellectual loyalty oaths, similar to those rife during the Third Reich, when
the abusive anti-German was enough to silence dissent, no longer
work. In America itself, there are too many anti-Americans filling the streets
now: those whom Martha Gellhorn called that life-saving minority who judge
their government in moral terms, who are the people with a wakeful conscience
and can be counted upon.
Perhaps for the first time since the late 1940s, Americanism as an ideology
is being identified in the same terms as any rapacious power structure; and
we can thank Bush and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice for
that, even though their acts of international violence have yet to exceed those
of the liberal Bill Clinton.
My guess, wrote Norman Mailer recently, is that, like it or
not, or want it or not, we are going to go to war because that is the only solution
Bush and his people can see. The dire prospect that opens, therefore, is that
America is going to become a mega-banana republic where the army will have more
and more importance in our lives. And, before it is all over, democracy, noble
and delicate as it is, may give way . . . Indeed, democracy is the special condition
that we will be called upon to defend in the coming years. That will be enormously
difficult because the combination of the corporation, the military and the complete
investiture of the flag with mass spectator sports has set up a pre-fascist
atmosphere in America already.
In the military plutocracy that is the American state, with its
unelected president, venal Supreme Court, silent Congress, gutted
Bill of Rights and compliant media, Mailers pre-fascist atmosphere
makes common sense. The dissident American writer William Rivers Pitt
pursues this further. Critics of the Bush administration, he wrote,
like to bandy about the word fascist when speaking of George.
image that word conjures is of Nazi storm troopers marching in unison
towards Hitlers Final Solution. This does not at all fit. It is
better, in this matter, to view the Bush administration through the
eyes of Benito Mussolini. Dubbed the father of fascism, Mussolini
defined the word in a far more pertinent fashion. Fascism, he said,
should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger
of state and corporate power.
Bush himself offered an understanding of this on 26 February when he addressed
the annual dinner of the American Enterprise Institute. He paid tribute to some
of the finest minds of our nation [who] are at work on some of the greatest
challenges to our nation. You do such good work that my administration has borrowed
20 such minds. I want to thank them for their service.
The 20 such minds are crypto-fascists who fit the definition of
William Pitt Rivers. The institute is Americas biggest, most important
and wealthiest think-tank. A typical member is John Bolton, under-secretary
for arms control, the Bush official most responsible for dismantling the 1972
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, arguably the most important arms control agreement
of the late 20th century. The institutes strongest ties are with extreme
Zionism and the regime of Ariel Sharon. Last month, Bolton was in Tel Aviv to
hear Sharons view on which country in the region should be next after
Iraq. For the expansionists running Israel, the prize is not so much the conquest
of Iraq but Iran. A significant proportion of the Israeli air force is already
based in Turkey with Iran in its sights, waiting for an American attack.
Richard Perle is the institutes star. Perle is chairman of the powerful
Defence Policy Board at the Pentagon, the author of the insane policies of total
war and creative destruction. The latter is designed to subjugate
finally the Middle East, beginning with the $90bn invasion of Iraq.
Perle helped to set up another crypto-fascist group, the Project for the New
American Century. Other founders include Vice-President Cheney, the defence
secretary Rumsfeld and deputy defence secretary Paul Wolfowitz. The institutes
mission report, Rebuilding Americas Defences: strategy, forces
and resources for a new century, is an unabashed blueprint for world conquest.
Before Bush came to power, it recommended an increase in arms spending by $48bn
so that America can fight and win multiple, simultaneous major theatre
wars. This has come true. It said that nuclear war-fighting should be
given the priority it deserved. This has come true. It said that Iraq should
be a primary target. And so it is. And it dismissed the issue of Saddam Husseins
weapons of mass destruction as a convenient excuse, which it is.
Written by Wolfowitz, this guide to world domination puts the onus on the Pentagon
to establish a new order in the Middle East under unchallenged US
authority. A liberated Iraq, the centrepiece of the new order, will
be divided and ruled, probably by three American generals; and after a horrific
onslaught, known as Shock and Awe.
Vladimir Slipchenko, one of the worlds leading military analysts, says
the testing of new weapons is a main purpose of the attack on Iraq.
Nobody is saying anything about it, he said last month. In
May 2001, in his first presidential address, Bush spoke about the need for preparation
for future wars. He emphasised that the armed forces needed to be completely
high-tech, capable of conducting hostilities by the no-contact method. After
a series of live experiments - in Iraq in 1991, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan - many
corporations achieved huge profits. Now the bottom line is $50-60bn a year.
He says that, apart from new types of cluster bombs and cruise missiles, the
Americans will use their untested pulse bomb, known also as a microwave bomb.
Each discharges two megawatts of radiation which instantly puts out of action
all communications, computers, radios, even hearing aids and heart pacemakers.
Imagine, your heart explodes! he said.
In the future, this Pax Americana will be policed with nuclear, biological and
chemical weapons used pre-emptively, even in conflicts that do not
directly engage US interests. In August, the Bush administration will convene
a secret meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, to discuss the construction of a new generation
of nuclear weapons, including mini nukes, bunker busters
and neutron bombs. Generals, government officials and nuclear scientists will
also discuss the appropriate propaganda to convince the American public that
the new weapons are necessary.
Such is Mailers pre-fascist state. If appeasement has any meaning today,
it has little to do with a regional dictator and everything to do with the demonstrably
dangerous men in Washington. It is vitally important that we understand their
goals and the degree of their ruthlessness. One example: General Pervez Musharraf,
the Pakistani dictator, was last year deliberately allowed by Washington to
come within an ace of starting a nuclear war with India - and to continue supplying
North Korea with nuclear technology - because he agreed to hand over al-Qaeda
operatives. The other day, John Howard, the Australian prime minister and Washington
mouthpiece, praised Musharraf, the man who almost blew up west Asia, for his
personal courage and outstanding leadership.
In 1946, Justice Robert Jackson, chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials, said:
The very essence of the Nuremberg charter is that individuals have international
duties which transcend national obligations of obedience imposed by the state.
With an attack on Iraq almost a certainty, the millions who filled London and
other capitals on the weekend of 15-16 February, and the millions who cheered
them on, now have these transcendent duties. The Bush gang, and Tony Blair,
cannot be allowed to hold the rest of us captive to their obsessions and war
plans. Speculation on Blairs political future is trivia; he and the robotic
Jack Straw and Geoff Hoon must be stopped now, for the reasons long argued in
these pages and on hundreds of platforms.
And, incidentally, no one should be distracted by the latest opportunistic antics
of Clare Short, whose routine hints of rebellion, followed by her
predictable inaction, have helped to give Blair the time he wants to subvert
the UN.
There is only one form of opposition now: it is civil disobedience leading to
what the police call civil unrest. The latter is feared by undemocratic governments
of all stripes.
The revolt has already begun. In January, Scottish train drivers refused to
move munitions. In Italy, people have been blocking dozens of trains carrying
American weapons and personnel, and dockers have refused to load arms shipments.
US military bases have been blockaded in Germany, and thousands have demonstrated
at Shannon which, despite Irelands neutrality, is being used by the US
military to refuel its planes en route to Iraq.
We have become a threat, but can we deliver? asked Jessica Azulay
and Brian Dominick of the American resistance movement. Policy-makers
are debating right now whether or not they have to heed our dissent. Now we
must make it clear to them that there will be political and economic consequences
if they decide to ignore us.
My own view is that if the protest movement sees itself as a world power, as
an expression of true internationalism, then success need not be a dream. That
depends on how far people are prepared to go. The young female employee of the
Gloucestershire-based top-secret Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ),
who was charged this month with leaking information about Americas dirty
tricks operation on members of the Security Council, shows us the courage required.
In the meantime, the new Mussolinis are on their balconies, with their virtuoso
rants and impassioned insincerity. Reduced to wagging their fingers in a futile
attempt to silence us, they see millions of us for the first time, knowing and
fearing that we cannot be silenced.