Tarkine is not saved!
In May 2005, the Federal Government protected an additional 73,000 hectares of rainforest from logging in the Tarkine. While this was a great outcome, the same area protected from logging has mining licences over the majority of it.
The Tarkine continues to be degraded and is
prone to vandalism, fire, the introduction of feral pests, abuse by 4WD users,
cattle grazing and the mining industry.
Meanwhile up to 40,000 hectares of old growth Tarkine forests remain open to logging and are disappearing daily.
Importantly, less than 5% of the Tarkine
has full protection as National Park.
In 2003 the Tarkine National Coalition sent a Nomination recommending National Heritage status for the Tarkine to Senator Ian Campbell, Minister for the Environment and Heritage. This Nomination has not yet been accepted and still remains under consideration. The Federal Government also has the power and the duty under its obligations as a signatory to the World Heritage convention to call for a full investigation of the TarkineÕs world Heritage qualities.
Please write to:
The Hon. Senator Ian Campbell
Minister for the Environment and Heritage
Parliament House
The Prime Minister
The Hon. Mr. John Howard
Parliament House
Éasking them to grant the nomination for the Tarkine to AustraliaÕs list of National Heritage and calling on them to bring about out an investigation into the World Heritage qualities of the Tarkine.
For further information please contact:
Tarkine National Coalition Inc
Box 218 Burnie Tasmania 7320. Office: (03) 6431 23 73, Mob: 0419 504 902
E-mail address: