Penan children in Sarawak
of the Planet - Current info (9/00) on species extinction
The World's Forests -- What's Left 1998
"The Last Frontier Forests", a 40-page 1997
report by the New York-based NGO, the World Resources Institute (WRI), found that
"almost half the Earth's original forest cover is gone, much of it destroyed
within the past three decades". Highlighted here are some of the main points in
the report.
of the World
The Causes of Rainforest Destruction
to Rainforest Destruction
Papua New Guinea: A Country Profile
Indigenous Peoples of the Rainforest
Landless Peasants Movement
Skewed land distribution is one of the main underlying
causes of rainforest destruction, and the land reform movement Sem Terra has been
described by Noam Chomsky as the most important social movement in the world.
Max-Neef on Human Needs and Human-scale Development
Conventional western ideas of development and progress
are seen by many as a root cause of rainforest destruction. Max-Neef's ideas on human
needs and Human-scale Development offer an alternative