- Fun games and interactive site about Ecuadorian rainforest.
Good for adults too. Try running a community-based ecotourism project or try your hand at
Animals of the Rainforest
developed by Midlakes Middle School. Brief introduction on rainforests and current
threats as well as great information on rainforest animals grouped in classes
such as amphibians, birds, fish,insects, mammals and reptiles. Good links to
other animal pages and great pictures.
Deep Jungle - 50 fun ways children can help the environment
Facing the Future
- People and the Planet - creative activities, lesson plans, collaborative
projects plus a comprehensive guide to population issues, with an emphasis on the
interconnectedness of problems, and just, sustainable solutions.
Global Response
organizes international letter writing campaigns to help communities
prevent many kinds of environmental destruction
Green Fun
- Samples and promotion for rainforest ecology children's music CD or
cassette produced by Dharmika Henshal. Links to environmental education, science
curriculum resources and other rainforest education products.
Greenkeepers, Las Vegas
Follow Kukura the guardian of the rainforest as he explores the rainforest
to find out how important they are for a healthy planet. Includes forest
preservation, alliances, chat room and donor program.
Help Save the Rainforests
links to lots of great forest sites for kids.
Photos - education, conservation, inspiration from the Amazon. great
photos. good for school projects.
- Earth section of comprehensive youth directory
for Forests
Live From the Rainforest
- Interactive site for children and parents about rainforests including a
discussion page for educators and sample curriculums.
Living Earth Rainforest
Database - Links to loads of information about rainforests
including: Different Rainforests & Where They Grow, Diversity of Plants
& Animals, The Canopy, Plant Reproduction, Plants & Herbivores, Nutrient
Cycling in Rainforest, Regeneration & Productivity, Indigenous Peoples Latin
America/Asia/Africa and Other Forest Dwellers.
Pawtucket School Department
site provides heaps of information on rainforests, plants, animals, maps
etc. Good for project information and links.
Action Network
- Excellent user friendly information about rainforests of the
world, why the rainforests are disappearing, why it's hard to save them and what we can do
to help.
The Rainforest Alliance
site includes lessons, presentations, stories, articles, species profiles and
more for kindergarten through eighth grade teachers. Kids corner is a good starting point to
find resources on rainforest stories, activities, colouring books.
Information Centre Education Centre - Good background information
on rainforests of the world including solutions and causes of destruction plus
maps and country information.
has a great "e-flet" education package we have created. The resource is an interactive
Flash movie lesson plan for teachers / children aged 7 - 11 years. The e-flet
consists of information on-screen with entertaining tests to check learning,
plus more comprehensive notes which can be printed off in colour.
Rainforest Place basic info about rainforests
Save the Rainforest
- Conducts rainforest tours/courses for teachers and students. Rainforest
curriculums, videos and posters, and school conservation projects in the tropics.
- Reports on students conducting semester long field trips to different parts
of the world. For example 31 students and 4 teachers report on a 13 week field semester in
the waters of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Contents include: Rainforest Live Australia,
Class Afloat Live aboard the Concordia, Wetlands & Fisheries Live Mexico.
an environmental organisation within the Faculty of the Built Environment,
at the University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia). high school eduation program,
comprehensive range of free services (such as school visits, teaching materials, website
etc) and over $20,000 worth of prizes through the annual AGL Sustainable Living
Solutions Site by "Horizons"
Case studies for kids in the categories "Environment",
"Population", "Development" and "Health". Activities,
contests, chat room and projects.
The Rainforest Workshop
developed by Virginia Reid and the students at Thurgood Marshall Middle
School in Olympia, Washington. Good project information on animals, plants and people of
tropical and temperate rainforests. Complete with lesson plans for teachers and links to
lots of fun activities,teaching locations, plantlife, etc.
States Environmental Protection Agency Students Centre
- Environmental activities, projects, careers and the legal
side of rainforest issues. Contents include: Conservation, Ecosystems, Water, Human
Health, Waste & Recycling, Air, Careers, Internships & Scholarships, Environmental
Youth Awards, Environmental Club Projects and EPA Publications.
The Vanishing Rainforest
- A fourth grade project by Highland Park Elementary School, Washington.
Rainforest education and how to prevent the loss of the world's rainforests. Contents
include: maps, wildlife, plants, cultures, environment, poetry, art, resources.