A Sustainable Energy Future for Australia
a telephone conference presentation with Mark Diesendorf

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17th, 2007, 7PM-8:30PM (Australian Eastern Time Zone)
To Book or for more info, contact Ruth at rainforestinfo@ozemail.com.au

If you would like, read Mark Diesendorf's article which summarises some aspects of the upcoming presentation.


1) The teleconference is hosted by www.freeconference.com in the USA. The cost is a long distance phone call. You can use your regular telephone service or if you wish you can purchase an internationall calling card from any newsagency or get a cheap long distance calling account through a website like www.gotalk.com. With the right phonecard, the 90 minute session should only cost you about 4 dollars.

2) Before the conference, download Mark Diesendorf's presentation. If you would like to print a black and white copy, print this.

3) If you would like, read http://www.freeconference.com/ConferenceQuality.aspx to learn about we can best make this work. If you'd like, check out Conference Functionality at http://www.freeconference.com/FAQ.aspx

At 7PM on Wednesday, 17 January, 2007

4) Dial into the conference at (0011) 1-641-297-5400 and at the prompt, enter the Participant Access Code: 06609009

5) Mark will present for about 5 minutes at a time and then take questions. At the end of the presentation, there will be time for a discussion.

If you have questions or for bookings, please email Ruth at rainforestinfo@ozemail.com.au

Want to tell a friend/colleague about the event? Here's an announcement you can copy and include in an email:

Join us for an inspiring Climate Study/Action Telephone Conference with Mark Diesendorf
bringing perspectives on climate change to a wide audience across Australia without requiring people to travel in a carbon intensive way

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17th, 2007, 7PM-8:30PM
Book now at rainforestinfo@ozemail.com.au

A Sustainable Energy Future for Australia
a telephone conference presentation with Mark Diesendorf

The human-induced greenhouse effect is arguably the most dangerous environmental problem and the most difficult political issue to be faced by the world in the 21st century. Unfortunately, Australia has the largest per capita emissions of greenhouse gases in the world. In order of importance, these come from coal-fired power stations, agriculture and transport.

The good news is that Australia could halve its greenhouse gas emissions by 2040 at low cost. We already have many technologies for using energy more efficiently. In addition, solar hot water could play an important role in reducing the demand for electricity. Cleaner sources of energy supply, that are commercially available now, include wind power, bioenergy from the combustion of crop residues, and natural gas. Rapidly developing technologies are solar electricity and hot dry rock geothermal power.

To implement these technologies, new policies must be developed and implemented by all three levels of government. The main barriers are neither technical nor economic, but rather are our social institutions and the political power of the big greenhouse gas emitting industries: coal, oil, aluminium, cement and motor vehicles.

The author: Dr Mark Diesendorf teaches at the Institute of Environmental Studies, University of New South Wales. He is also Director of a public interest consultancy, Sustainability Centre Pty Ltd. He is co-author of the national energy scenario study, "A Clean Energy Future for Australia", and sole author of the forthcoming book, "Greenhouse Solutions with Sustainable Energy".

See www.rainforestinfo.org.au/climate/telecon_diesendorf for presentation materials and summary article.

Cost: This is a telephone call to the US. You can use your current telephone service or you can save a few dollars by purchasing an internationall calling card from any newsagency (or get a cheap long distance calling account through a website like www.gotalk.com). With the right phonecard, the 90 minute session should only cost you about 4 dollars.

Bookings: Send an email to rainforestinfo@ozemail.com.au to let us know you'd like to participate and we'll send you the telephone number and pin as well as the powerpoint presentation that Mark Diesendorf will speak to.

Interested in hosting the climate change despair & empowerment roadshow? Visit http://www.rainforestinfo.org.au/climate/roadshow.htm. Coming to your town soon!

sponsored by the Rainforest Information Centre.

Box 368, Lismore 2480 NSW
(02) 66897519


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