Council of All Beings New Zealand
In January of this year a Council of All Beings was held in
Christchurch, New Zealand. For the 12 weeks prior to this gathering
we all met to view Brian Swimme's video series Canticle to the
Cosmos. On the day of the event people listened to some audio
selections from the New Dimensions radio series on Deep Ecology. We
also read a few passages from Thinking Like a Mountain.
It was quite a moving experience for those of us participating. We
heard from a diversity of sentient beings -- termites, native birds,
flowers, chameleons, sea algae and the oceans came to tell their
story as well. The processing went deep and led to a dialogue which
began focusing on holding another Counsel in September.
Phil Gang and Marsha Morgan
Christchurch, New Zealand
Here are additional comments from two participants.
From: Rudolf Jarosewitsch <>
>Connecting with an aspect of nature - tree - led to a deeper
>understanding, a heartfelt understanding, of nature. Listening to others
>share their story gave rise to appreciation of the riches that can so
>easily be overlooked. A full experience that still nurtures me.
>Rudolf Jarosewitsch, Christchurch
>I chose to be a flower. That experience lives on in me each day and
>changes my perception of the world around me. What touched me most is
>that as a flower I felt no animosity towards human.
>Mirjam Busch, Christchurch